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Everything posted by victoly

  1. You do *not* typically want DHCP enabled on the apex. You want it to be the same forever and ever, because if you use DDNS to connect to your apex from outside your network (ie your iphone) you have to use port forwarding to take a port number and forward it to a specific IP. If your apex keeps getting new IP addresses every time it connects, your router won't know what IP address to send the request from the port to. I'm not using a game adapter, I'm using a linksys WRT54g2 that has DDWRT on it. It's in wireless bridge mode. This sounds to me like more of a configuration issue on the gaming adapter than on the router or the apex. Give static-ip a try and see if that resolves it. I've noticed that since iphones constantly get on/off the network that if you use DHCP, sometimes there is some confusion amongst devices and subsequently stuff doesn't work correctly.
  2. Four aggies? At the same time? I'll go to maast... JK see y'all there!
  3. Brian, I can bring a frag of fox coral for you.
  4. Interested if they're attached.
  5. Very true George. Probably a combination of things. If you don't mind me asking, what was the purchase price on the mini-maxis you have and where did you get them from?
  6. Wowza. Outstanding. I think part of it may be on the marketing end. I.e. you can't start a zoa-like collecting craze because the color-morphs don't seem to be as persistent. Just a guess.
  7. Outstanding. Follow your dreams. And by your dreams, I mean our collective dream of an ARCer starting a coral farm that we can come cherry pick from.
  8. RIghteous! I'm with RSA. Lots of small shops and big boys. Austin is a great place to be if environmental is your profession. Of course you won't be in town much (I'm in Ranger , TX next week and Texas City, TX the week after that). OH BOY!
  9. Ty who are you working for ? So many consultants in arc! Love it.
  10. I watched the video on the company website and was very very impressed. I've always been interested in the economics of reef aquaculture. I'll have to take him to lunch some time and pick his brain.
  11. There are pros and cons to government work. The govt work is much more monotonous but alot less of a grind (business development, finance, etc). As a trade, the pay is probably 60% of what you make in consulting. Where do you work Kim ?
  12. I'm an environmental consultant we don't have any positions open, but I can occasionally work in some labor if you want to try to get experience. Send me your resume and we can chat.
  13. Aye. What industry are you looking into? Did you end up with a degree in aquaculture?
  14. hahah a decision has been made. good luck with sale.
  15. I grew up in pflug. What middle/high did you go to?
  16. Wear your t-sippiness with pride. 2/3 of the elements of the clothes I'm currently wearing have burnt orange....
  17. Outstanding. Did he move the facility south with him? *edit* read the full post you moran. of COURSE its still in denton.
  18. They look like yumas on roids. Very nice looking.
  19. NopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNope
  20. victoly


    Welcome. Glad to have you here ! You working for one of the big boys ?
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