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Everything posted by victoly

  1. I wonder if its possible that the seasonal variation actually comes from the influent water coming from your RODI. Your tap water will vary seasonally for several parameters. Just thinking out loud here...
  2. You can wire one in pretty easily if you have the expansion switch box.
  3. PS, your signature is working, so it seems that the internet at large is seeing your apex...
  4. I'm just gonna go out on a limb here, but maybe wizard is right. I was under the impression that for a gaming adapter *all* you had to do was provide the l/p for the router, and it just seamlessly connected to the network. Maybe you're overthinking this. Is it possible to reset the gaming adapter and *only* input the wireless network login and pass and see what happens?
  5. I'm an environmental consultant (of which there are apparently a few in ARC). I got my degree in hydrogeology with a minor in computer science. I am the youngest licensed professional geologist in Texas (although I'm pretty sure that title is fading...). My company does soil and groundwater remediation for fortune 5 companies primarily in Texas. My specialization is in hydrogeology, which ties in nicely to reefing. I've got a 2 year old who loves "his" tank and he is learning the names of corals as fast as I can acquire them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I hear ya man. Are you still in jarrell. If you were in Austin I'd invite you over to give it a run on my router to see if we could eliminate any variables in the equation. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Keep an eye on Craigslist for routers. Reflash to tomato ir ddwrt and all your dreams will come true. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. It should not matter that it is out of DHCP range. Those IPs are simply addresses that the router can use to dole out addresses to. Have you reflashed the firmware? At this point, how does neptune feel about just replacing the unit? Is there any possibility of replacing the router? Perhaps they have a simpler routerless modem that you can then hook your own router up to.
  9. I've got a spare tank. Let me know.
  10. Outstanding info. Send this man all your money. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Wouldn't that be kind of expected though ? 6500k is more in the photosynthetically active wavelengths?
  12. Did you grow them with both lights side by side ?
  13. Righteous. I'll keep an eye on it and harass you when your ph is out of whack.
  14. When's the last time you've calibrated? I've got quite a bit of 7 and 10 cal solution if you need some.
  15. its frustrating during setup, but once its up you'll forget you had problems. Like painting closets
  16. Unusual sump! Can you explain the layout?
  17. What I ended up doing was to manually connect the APEX via ethernet to my router first to do all the setup. That way you can have your options set before you try to tackle the wireless interface part, which is in myopinion the worst part. They really should be integrating wifi into the unit. I'd be willing to bet the next revision has it built in.
  18. just to be safe, I turn off DHCP on the gaming adapter (or in my couse router) AND turn on DHCP on the APEX in addition to issuing it a static IP. Another trick is that you can just type in apex into the address bar and it should search for your apex and find it.
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