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Everything posted by victoly

  1. From the horse's mouth: http://www.apogeeinstruments.com/quantum/spectralresponse.html " An ideal quantum sensor would give equal emphasis to all photons between 400 and 700 nm and would exclude photons above and below these wavelengths. The response of such a sensor is shown in the adjacent graph. The most accurate way to measure this radiation is with our spectroradiometer, which costs less than $4000. Our Quantum Meters are accurate to within about ±3 percent for common light sources. The spectral response of the Apogee Sensor used in Quantum Meters and the Quantum Sensor is shown at right. As the figure indicates, the sensor underestimates the 400 to 500 nm wavelengths (blue light), overestimates the 550-650 wavelengths (yellow and orange light), and has little sensitivity above 650 nm (red light). Fortunately, common light sources are mixtures of colors and the spectral errors offset each other. The sensor measures green light (500-550 nm) accurately, so it can be used to measure the radiation inside and at the bottom of plant canopies."
  2. Here it is. Was feeling particularly proud of it, so I took a picture. Tank details to follow when I'm at a keyboard instead of a phone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Something to note is that it is primarily *blue* LEDs that are underrepresented. Apogee says by ~20%
  4. Just stunning. Well done sir. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. He's probably got a few days before lack of food starts to have adverse effects. Give it another day or two and see if it comes open naturally, it tends to flake off of my hands within 24-28 hours. Hopefully this wasn't from the cyphastera frag
  6. How do they prevent it from leaching into the water upon feeding?
  7. I did!!! Lol! I had suspicions. I took one visit, and my sons enthusiasm was not well received. I'll take hunter at AD 100/100 times.
  8. Mike I think it kind of happens organically. People who have a tendency to reach out are going to do so regardless of a forum feature, and there will never be a shortage of new reefers. I vote to let nature take its course
  9. Not real wise to trash this forum. First off, can you briefly describe what's going on with your tank or link me if it's in a previous post ? Secondly, what store is it so I can think twice before giving them business. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. When you are using RODI, you remove anything from it that contributes to "hardness". Any resulting hardness in your tank will be from 1) salt 2)liverock 3)sand 4) supplemeints.
  11. Appears so. Good find ! If it's IP based, hopefully most web browsers would be able to view it.
  12. He's got an apex, so he checks/logs it about once per second
  13. If you are using RODI, hardness is out of the equation, because it strips *everything* out of the water. Silica based sands won't lower your pH, but they won't add buffering capacity. Give the CO2 stuff a try, because that might make a difference. You might try adding more aragonite sand to increase the carbonates that get dumped into the water. Just a thought.
  14. What sand are you using? What is your live rock load like? If you have a heavier silica based sand as opposed to a more carbonaceous sand, you won't have quite the buffering capacity.
  15. If you're using RODI, your unit will be stripping out essentially everything anyway. Softened water will extend the life of your filters and membranes however. And yes, i believe standard softener installs cover all water coming in to the house.
  16. It's basically just in "intank" sump created with a false back. I have something similar in a Biocube29. You can stick your skimmer/heater/misc stuff back there to keep it from cluttering the tank.
  17. youre probably looking at ~300-400 for a decent used entry level dslr with kit lens. http://tinyurl.com/7hy95m9
  18. As a button. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Always better to oversize a pump and valve it down than to have a pump at 100% capacity and be insufficient. The one caveat is that a larger mag will add more heat. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. sounds neat. How are you gonna capture the blazing actinics with B/W ?
  21. So it connects to the router via 802.11 b/g/n and then you just log into it? That's pretty cool. Let us know how that goes (if you get it). Yep. I swear, with my thermostat, apex, all my wireless devices (iphones, ps3, wii, etc) it is amazing that I can stream a video with all that bandwidth chugged away.
  22. http://www.amazon.com/Dropcam-Wi-Fi-Wireless-Monitoring-Camera/dp/B006P88VSE/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1335379145&sr=1-1 Here's one that is pretty much ready to go out of the box for web/mobile monitoring. I'm debating between this and a PTZ cam with video server (more complicated/expensive but better video quality).
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