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Everything posted by victoly

  1. You could give the senske brothers of ADG (in houston) a ring. They're the USA distributors for ADA products.
  2. It's more due to the fact that most people here already have setups, so your target market is upgraders and first timers ( not too many of those on here). You have to deeply discount or part out IMO. If you don't have bites, keep dropping the price. Free market at work here Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Careful guys. Lost PayPal accounts scream "scam" to me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. These are outstanding pumps. I used them on my planted tank back in the day, and they were bullet-proof IME.
  5. Dropped by today. Selection and quality is the best I have seen in austin at any point in time, bar none. Well done fellas.
  6. If you're willing to drive a bit, last time I was in town on business I wanted to be between corpus (business) and Port A (fun!), so we stayed at a best western in Portland. It worked out nicely and the drive wasn't bad at all. There are a plethora of hotels within 10-15 minute drive if the places on the island are booked. Good luck!
  7. That's a great deal on a powerful fixture.
  8. I went from PC to LED, and I just started really *really* low to be safe. I had my blues at 30% and my whites at 10% and have been slowly scaling up to where I'm at like 60/30 now.
  9. I've got one on my garage that was there when we bought the house. Maybe we can arrange something?
  10. victoly

    MIA fish

    So a small lyretail anthias has gone MIA from my tank. I had only had it for probably 24 hours and it disappeared into my rock work. I tore the tank apart trying to find it, dead or alive. No luck. It's a close topped tank, so it didn't jump. Tore my back sump compartment up as well. I need a xanax and a water change
  11. Mine are just loose in my cabinet, inside the factory boxes. Of course I also don't have any local pot control (I use an apex to control my dimming). IMO its just easier to keep them loose. But if you're a tinkerer, go for it
  12. I saw Mike yesterday and he seemed pretty intent on fragging a big chunk of his off. Might give him a PM to see what's up.
  13. What are the dimensions of the tubing ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. When a boy urchin and a girl urchin love each other very much.... Sounds like in this case, he's lonely.
  15. victoly

    16g nano tank

    test a fresh water source. might be the kit.
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