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Everything posted by victoly

  1. Solution? It's Halloween time anyway, just plant one of these on the sidelines, tell your students that you are in costume, and that you are watching. Then you are free to attend THE TOP SECRET EVENT.
  2. LOl, my god where do you find these?!? i read the internet in it's entirety, every day.
  3. i need to clear out some space, so I'm selling my "pest" rock. This is probably a 1-2 lb piece of live rock with GSP, anthelia and capnella on it. $10 mFrame pretty good chunk of capnella on a piece of rubble $5 Rifis75 cabbage coral $10 (i'm going to cut off the bottom lobe, this will be free floating) small pieces of capnella (free) Rifis75 I'm located in oak hill and am available evenings after 630ish.
  4. oh there's plenty of drinking going on right now in CS
  5. msg clarkiicircus, he's an experienced breeder.
  6. can you put one on the train and send it south? kthx.
  7. Honestly, as a BC owner myself, i would just leave the divider in if you're going to be putting equipment in. If it leaks from front to back it really shouldnt matter because flow is being replenished both from the leak as well as from the intake slots on the right side of the divider? Maybe I'm just missing something, but seems like it would just be a good way to hide the intake tubes for the equipment that you are proposing to use. As far as powering the skimmer from the canister, just seems like way more trouble than its worth in terms of potential disaster (CRAP I JUST PUMPED OUT ALL OF THE WATER IN MY TANK THROUGH MY SKIMMER CUP AND ONTO THE FLOOR). Also, I'm curious about what's going in the canister.
  8. Sounds like an interesting idea. Maybe hunter @ AD will take pity on me and cut me a deal on a firefish. I don't know how many more times I can explain to my a) wife that expensive fish go missing b) my son that uhhhhhh I don't know where the fish we just got is. I may take you up on the breeder net though.
  9. Honestly, that's the only scenario that makes sense. Guess I'll just have to wait a few years until i can assemble, THE DREAM TANK.
  10. i have some of that superman rodactis and you are correct about it being agressive. It has made more than one coral (and me) pay when it encroached. btw i like your shrooms alot...
  11. your link just takes me a generic google page. i guess i can google it on my own....
  12. Anyone Anyone got a tailspot blenny that has irritated them ? That's kind of what I was figuring with the watchman goby, as far as keeping something that occupied a different strata. To no avail though.
  13. Cyphastrea is probably my favorite coral btw. here's mine:
  14. Sounds like it's time to set up another tank hey as long as i can put it on your credit card im game
  15. at this point? anything that would fit in a BC29 comfortably and hold its own/get along with the clowns. i think two other compounding factors are the relatively high flow rate of the tank in addition to a super holy piece of LR that i suspect when fish are introduced to the tank they potentially get stuck in. i dunno. its bumming me out.
  16. yeah, cyphastrea is amazing, but i dont think its gonna grow fast enough to choke out. youre probably gonna need GSP or anthelia or somethingto achieve that.
  17. Having some frustration over my inability to keep fish (other than my clown pair) in my tank. I've had the an anthias and watchman goby totally disappear from my tank. All the while I've been keeping my coral (SPS,LPS, softies) very happy, so it's not a water quality issue. I also never saw my clowns even acknowledge the existence of newly introduced inhabitants. What the heck? I desparately want more fish action, but I don't know how much longer management will accept me burning money on fish that vanish.
  18. victoly


    Noooooooooo Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. do you control yours via web access or via the panel?
  20. Is there any other outlets that come on during that time interval (change in pump intensity, fuge light, etc ?) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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