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Everything posted by victoly

  1. you mean defunct amazonia? not sure how crazy she would be about coming to celebrate a new place. lulz.
  2. most routers have the ability to update DNS from hardware, if you want to remove the app from your computer.
  3. Have you setup a dynamic DNS ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. go to the "graphs" tab and you can compare various outlets with pH. try different combinations and see if you can find something that correlates. post screenshots of anything you find if I can be of assistance.
  5. Sump is going to be a little more complicated/higher risk, with the payoff of much more flexibility and room for equipment. I'd say it is pretty uncommon, at least on the higher end, to use HOBs. If you are truly just going to keep softies, HOB would be ok. However, if you ever intend to upgrade (which is common) a sump may be a better long term bet.
  6. Why does she need to give you a budget? She is simply asking what are some good, relatively inexpensive LED lights that will work for her tank. Because price was a decision point on the exoexotics ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Give us a budget Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Retailers are getting them in today. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I've got some orange acans that need a fraggin. I'll see what I can do.
  10. I don't think A&M is officially accepted into the SEC until they win a game. Which, by my estimation will not be until October 6, and will only occur once this season. BACK TO YOUR REGULARLY SCHEDULED REEFING.
  11. dernit! dernit to heck! I'll be a good sport and find something burnt orange to frag for the tank
  12. Solution? It's Halloween time anyway, just plant one of these on the sidelines, tell your students that you are in costume, and that you are watching. Then you are free to attend THE TOP SECRET EVENT.
  13. LOl, my god where do you find these?!? i read the internet in it's entirety, every day.
  14. i need to clear out some space, so I'm selling my "pest" rock. This is probably a 1-2 lb piece of live rock with GSP, anthelia and capnella on it. $10 mFrame pretty good chunk of capnella on a piece of rubble $5 Rifis75 cabbage coral $10 (i'm going to cut off the bottom lobe, this will be free floating) small pieces of capnella (free) Rifis75 I'm located in oak hill and am available evenings after 630ish.
  15. oh there's plenty of drinking going on right now in CS
  16. msg clarkiicircus, he's an experienced breeder.
  17. can you put one on the train and send it south? kthx.
  18. Honestly, as a BC owner myself, i would just leave the divider in if you're going to be putting equipment in. If it leaks from front to back it really shouldnt matter because flow is being replenished both from the leak as well as from the intake slots on the right side of the divider? Maybe I'm just missing something, but seems like it would just be a good way to hide the intake tubes for the equipment that you are proposing to use. As far as powering the skimmer from the canister, just seems like way more trouble than its worth in terms of potential disaster (CRAP I JUST PUMPED OUT ALL OF THE WATER IN MY TANK THROUGH MY SKIMMER CUP AND ONTO THE FLOOR). Also, I'm curious about what's going in the canister.
  19. Sounds like an interesting idea. Maybe hunter @ AD will take pity on me and cut me a deal on a firefish. I don't know how many more times I can explain to my a) wife that expensive fish go missing b) my son that uhhhhhh I don't know where the fish we just got is. I may take you up on the breeder net though.
  20. Honestly, that's the only scenario that makes sense. Guess I'll just have to wait a few years until i can assemble, THE DREAM TANK.
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