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Everything posted by victoly

  1. FEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Why do clownfish have to be such jerks? The firefish will venture out, and get chased back into the rockwork, repeatedly. I suppose I could throw the clownfish back in timeout, or give the chasing another day or two to see if it's simply a reaction to being released. My optimism is no longer. womp womp.
  2. I used to get a flash on mine when powering down (a capacitor is discharging all the juice to reduce shock/fire hazard). Is your ballast dimmable? If so, it probably has to do with a voltage source not being applied. If not, there's really not a whole lot to be done aside from checking connections, and then individually testing each LED.
  3. Whole lot of risk involved in taking gulf sand (nasty chemicals, undesirable critters, etc). My vote is no.
  4. I'll have 2 ( iphone 4, 16 and 32 gig.) on friday if you want to PM me maybe we can work out a deal.
  5. victoly


    I've not had experience manifolding 2 sumps together via a pipe like that. What happens in the event that something from the fuge blocks that pipe? I would think that water would stop flowing into that overflow and instead go into the emergency overflow. Sorry, just typing through my thoughts there. Different, for sure, but I don't see anything wrong with it based off of this drawing.
  6. So i removed the clowns from the breeder net for a trial period last night. Of course the firefish immediately retreated to the rockwork, so we'll see how things are when I get home. The firefish was active outside of the work for several days, so I'm optimistic that things will work out.
  7. Lucky! I have a pair of clowns that refuse to host anything. Looks awesome.
  8. Welcome, glad to have you! I spend some of my time around the oilfield and the refineries in south texas as well. An apex has proven invaluable to be able to remotely control my tank.
  9. The Firefish is adjusting nicely with the clowns sequestered. We shall see though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Squeeeee Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. You have the equivalent of a very short move coming up soon too. Take notes!
  12. I bet you let the movers touch those water jugs though . It stresses me out just seeing pictures of the move! Good luck with it, I hope everything goes well.
  13. yeah, what bige said. Your RODI unit (carbon, and then the DI resin) should remove it fully. I need to get my hands on a chloramine test kit to determine whether my carbon block is doing a sufficient job.
  14. City of Austin uses chloramine in their treatment process.
  15. I don't know that LFSs are nuts about fragging, they tend to just want to move out whole colonies to make room for more, and not have a fragged up piece in a sale tank. I think your best bet is to post in the "want to buy" section for frags. Quite a few members have duncans.
  16. Teaser well done. Left me wanting 2 things: 1) pictures, 2) prices. Not so sure about the promo music.. When the GET OFF MY LAWN crowd hears it, they're gonna tell the buildmyled whippersnappers how it used to be in the old days when we were used sunlight to grow our reef. AND WE WERE HAPPY ABOUT IT. BOTH WAYS, UPHILL.
  17. did it look like this? if so, it's a bristle worm.
  18. I really can't tell because it's so blue, but the polyps on my capnella look different than that (not quite as knobby).
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