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Everything posted by victoly

  1. These are all from Vek's tank. I'd like to rehome them all to people who intend to keep them in their tank. simply make a contribution to the club and you can take home all the rock (gotta take it all), the clown, or the firefish. I think $10 is appropriate for any one of the three items. Full disclosure, the rock has GHA and potentially other pests (aiptasia, etc).
  2. Now put an LED cannon on the other side and see if you can make it a tri-color. It would become a rare, collector coral, right?
  3. +1 for tek. I ran one over a freshwater tank, and was very impressed with the build quality.
  4. specifically, this guy. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/24057-sps-for-sale-and-2-chalice/
  5. Well, coming from you Houston, you are a little spoiled Everything here is 10-15% more expensive than houston, in my experience. Both Rivercity aquatics (north) and Aqua-Dome (south) are both club sponsors and have good prices/stock/customer service. Another great place is from members here, there is a pretty wide variety of aquacultured stock available, ye need only ask in the WTB section.
  6. Yeah, you just go to UT. I'd help a fellow longhorn out with rodi if you don't mind driving to oak hill. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I'm pretty sure the DI stage removes ammonia. http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2005-05/rhf/index.php
  8. Yeah, it's gonna suck to lose some of that biodiversity that you've spent time building up, but when you transfer tanks, you're going to stir up grud and potentially eliminate a pretty large chunk of them anyway. If I were to do it, I'd probably transfer just the sediment, and try to disturb it as little as possible, and then fill the tank and let sit for a good while before I added/did anything else. I'm kind of risk averse, so personally I would probably just cycle new sand if it were me, but if you have your heart set on it, I'd try and be as cautious as possible.
  9. Can't live with em. Can't live without NO YOU CAN'T HAVE MY CREDIT CARD.
  10. lulz. well, the clownfish and the firefish seem to be acclimating to eachother, with less chasing action. But as seems to be the case sometimes, when it rains it pours. My cleaner shrimp kicked the bucket. Water tests show nothing abnormal, so it seems that the clownfish may have redirected their aggression at the shrimp. Ungh.
  11. It's a joke. The eco-aqualizer was a snake oil piece of garbage that for some inexplicable reason is still in production. http://www.rexgrigg.com/debunked.htm
  12. according to my wife, their behavior has improved. WE SHALL SEE. I HAVE AN OTTER SALESMAN ON SPEED DIAL.
  13. victoly


    My preference would be to use the method where you have a little bit of control over flow rate, as opposed to locking yourself in to a method of flow control that is a pain to change. If reefing has taught me anything, it's that nothing will go according to plan, and to be able to tweak parameters easily (in this case adjustment in flow rate) help keep more hair in your head and out of your hands in clumps.
  14. victoly


    I'll take a poison where i can control the dosage
  15. victoly


    be jealous. this thread has my head spinning for plumbing. http://www.marsh-reef.org/marine-reef-general-discussion/32733-d2minis-new-reef-country-build-25.html
  16. victoly


    a ball or gate valve might give a little more flexibility than a diameter reduction.
  17. at this point, I want to chunk in an otter to show them whats up.
  18. at this point, I kind of want to chunk a damsel in there just to show the clowns what's up.
  19. victoly


    just curious, why not one container instead of two? More bulkheads = more failure points.
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