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Everything posted by victoly

  1. K just pm me if you decide frags are the way you wanna go. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Any potential to trade for frags ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I don't think we're talking about the same thing, because you definitely don't want the picture i just took.
  4. I could think of a few other things that disobeying your wife could interfere with your ability to use. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Yeah. We don't need to talk about it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. looks top notch. except for that purple primer....
  7. Yeah, that sounds like the proverbial can of worms. What the research seems to suggest to me then, is that even the most beautiful, successful captive reefs are not reaching their full potential. Although ultimately what does "full potential" mean? Great growth and coloration can already be achieved. Are we looking for even more colorful and growth-ier?
  8. Tim, Love the material you provide. I have a pretty important question that the article never addresses. Why is bacteria in the reef important? If it is important, why are we not using it as an indicator parameter for captive reef health? It is clear that the data shows that the counts are lower in captivity vs. the wild, I just didn't see anything to the causality of more bacteria = healthier reef.
  9. This was me while I was reading this thread.
  10. it's late and I haven't had enough beer on the morrow, you can count on it.
  11. concur with those suggesting a cap. I've got a warpspeed that I'll hopefully be bringing to the fragswap. It's a quarter sized piece. My biggest grower is a red cap.
  12. Congos are a pretty expensive dither. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. mike, i hereby present you with your diploma to the university of gif with a degree in animated gifs. congratulations.
  14. I'm a tech evangelist?
  15. they make a much cheaper one (the jr or lite i think) that is perfect for smaller systems, but lacks a few features reserved for the bigger apex such as variable dimming for LEDs.
  16. Probably blue clove polyps. http://www.jimsreef....lueclove002.jpg
  17. i do phyto/tiggerpods once per week. weird. maybe ill move it off the sandbed.
  18. it's more effective without the text. let the images do the talking.
  19. I get where you're going, but to successfully fix the physical traits you cull very early on based off of pattern. To breed for behavior, you have to raise every batch to adulthood and then make a subjective judgement on how "nice" a fish is. You probably also risk losing hosting behavior like we see in captive bred clowns.
  20. are yall doing supplementary feedings on your duncans? Mines still just a single head :/
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