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Everything posted by victoly

  1. still, are you going to run out of the building with a handful of corals? what's the exit strategy here?
  2. What the hell was his plan here? He walked in with a hammer, what the hell are you going to be able to lift that you're going to be able to fence? Anyone in the community here knows your idiot face now. AND HE'S WEARING A CAMO VISOR.
  3. bubbles per minute. the quick and dirty way to measure how much CO2 youre injecting into your reactor.
  4. your goal should be to set your CO2 dissolution rate with your needle valve and not to rely on your solenoid. The more that solenoid cycles, the shorter it's service life is. If you get your BPM right, and steady, the solenoid just catches you in emergencies.
  5. pH gets too low, turn off. some people run their effluent through another reactor filled with more media to get the pH back up, others use CO2 scrubbers on their skimmer intake or vent the skimmer intake outside. With your tank volume, it probably wont be a huge issue.
  6. flip side of that is that there is some variability to your flow rate from a manifold. your pump gunks up over time, your CaRX flow rate will change over time as your media dissolves, your valve will accumulate crud, etc. It may be minimal, but there is something to be said for using a solid peristaltic to keep your flow rates exceptionally consistent.
  7. grainger is a good place to check. if they dont have stock, they can get it within a few days.
  8. Jake got all 3rd person on that shiz. Get em paw!
  9. how quiet is it? Ive found the tunze to be deeead quiet compared to the small MJ I'm running right now.
  10. psyched dude. im not a materials engineer, but are stainless rods out of the picture?
  11. Can you translate that to newb? I think haze is talking about BRS ROX 0.8 carbon. It's the best in the biz IMO. as far as pumps go, i have a cobalt MJ1200 pushing both of mine no problem, although I dont run a ton of media for a 29 gallon tank.
  12. +1 to reactors being worth the effort/space. you can get away with passive carbon, but GFO really shines when tumbled in a reactor.
  13. Yeah, talked to roger vitko, and he said as such. Hoping i can catch someone who's looking to let one go for less
  14. I had success using a method similar to how you frag zoas. Take a razor blade and aim to cut underneath the colony (ie take off a very thin layer of rock). This way you can superglue immediately and not have to mess with rubber banding.
  15. Steve may be a tough sell as a steady supplier. No knock to the guy at all, he has some beatiful pieces, but he's a limited edition guy, and i suspect that may limit his ability to be a bread and butter guy. Just a thought. Side note, for those who want the best chicken fried steak in texas, on the way home take I-20 to strawn texas and hit up Mary's Cafe. Get the small chicken fry, anything more and it's going to be an unpleasant trip home.
  16. The prodigal KimP has returned. Now we can get that apex humming.
  17. Total chlorine out of the CGAC (pre-pentek) is 0.05 mg/l. I'll test out of the pentek (into the RO membrane) when I get an opportunity.
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