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Everything posted by victoly

  1. Nuts and bolts post: Rear Chamber: Cabinet Area:
  2. itd have to be the beer sign AND brooks to lure me in.
  3. i was thinking you could use it to lure clint to your car.
  4. It's about local supply and demand. AOGs are trash in many places but valuable here due to small demand. Consequently there is a large local supply of stunner (thanks mitch and richard ) so the prices are depressed, whereas what you see on the internet reflects local scarcity. There could be a pretty interesting research paper on coral pricing
  5. Clearing space is the name of the game. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  6. 10 polyp AOG - $55 (top) 3 eye sunbrite chalice - $75 (middle) 1 eye bazooka joe chalice - $50 (bottom)
  7. Best I can do is a monacle Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  8. that snail guard is amazing chipp! THAT i could see an immense need for! lock up that IP ASAP!
  9. you think your hermits knock over sht now, wait until they get a skyscraper on their back.
  10. I've got one currently, and that's my plan of action. Not sure how I'm gonna get to the bugger due to location logistics, but I'm gon' keel it, one way or another.
  11. also have a nearly full container of spectrum pellets $5.
  12. a little threat goes a long way
  13. bump, new price. will consider frag trades as well.
  14. Unfortunately not on the coralrx for me. The small Zoa colony was dipped last night and those photos were taken this morning. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  15. is that just a general observation or specific to pseudocorynactis?
  16. My best guess is pseudocorynactis. It's really pissing off my zoas, so I feel like it needs to go. Just need confirmation and an execution style.
  17. Boooooo. Need ? Nah. Want ? Lolyep. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
  18. That's no joke. Solutions here include using a half face respirator with particulates cartridge hell maybe carbon too, putting the whole unit in a vent hood which has some sort of filtration on the exhaust so you're not poisoning your neighbors, or using the unit outdoors. This will get even more interesting once they start using more common materials (think PVC) that have some very nasty components to them. Thanks for the heads up mike.
  19. i sandbed vacuum maybe every month or so and clean the glass daily. I'm not no cleanup crew, i just dont buy in to the whole "you need 500 dwarf ceriths and 250 nerites for your 20g tank" camp. Maybe its my nutrient levels or my light feeding, but i spent more time picking out those dead black snails than i ever did cleaning glass or cleaning gravel during a water change.
  20. i gave up. i vote never. i keep a few hermits and trade them in when they get unruly for smaller hermits. I've had fighting conchs, and a chiton do all of the heavy lifting in a 29 gallon. they just seem to die off.
  21. thats a fair bit of evap in a damp basement. hopefully he has some venting going on.
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