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Everything posted by victoly

  1. Its critical that you keep the sponge pre and post filters inside the canister clean. additionally, the plastic grates on top and bottom of the interior remmovable cannister can gum up with stuff, so best to hit those maybe once a month as well with a tooth brush.
  2. Yeah, I used RO for years before I made that connection. Assuming a RO/DI is useing a TFC membrane (CFC is before the carbon instead of after, less common configuration) supply water goes through the sediment filter which pulls stuff out then goes through the carbon filter which pulls more stuff out so when it goes to the RO membrane a lot of stuff has been removed, chlorine being one example (but note ammonia is not removed even by the RO membrane and DI resin). You say the bit about ammonia quite a bit, and unless there is something I am misunderstanding, ammonia has a net negative charge which makes it amenable to be removed by DI resin. "The extent of removal by the RO membrane depends on pH. At pH 7.5 or lower, reverse osmosis will remove ammonia from 1.4 ppm-Cl monochloramine to less than 0.1 ppm ammonia. The DI resin then removes any residual ammonia to levels unimportant to an aquarist." http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2003-11/rhf/feature/
  3. victoly

    Odds N Ends

    RIP c67stang. i am a ghost.
  4. victoly


    Yeah, you can just swap bottles. You bring an empty, they give you a full bottle, no certifications necessary.
  5. victoly


    I have a pretty top notch bottle/reg combo for sale . No rental fees required.
  6. victoly

    Odds N Ends

    I tried to order them, but my mind blew up and didnt allow it.
  7. so that's how johnny is laundering the money?
  8. Mine are on the very old side...but there still blue WHOOOOSH
  9. Bravo. 10/10 on execution and pertinence. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  10. It's Samuel L. Jackson. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  11. lately i've been doing frequent water changes and making 20-25 gal per week. but more of the problem is getting to the store. sure, going to the store and looking at fish is fun, but the hours on the LFS leave it hard for me to get the consistently. so, it is not good to be dependant on being able to drive to get water, bi weekly or so. i have been working at least 10 - 10+, 6 days a week with my one "day off" i am volunteering during LFS time. so, yeah, buying LFS water, much less water that is 45 min away (each way) to save $0.10 - $0.20 is a bit on the silly side. PS: i'm actually more of the put popcorn in the microwave, wander off, and come back 3 hours later with "why am i hungry, i made popcorn". Youre gonna need an autoshutoff valve...
  12. I was gonna guesstimate 3:1 costs for dennis system vs RODI, granted sherita has a very good RODI system, so if you aimed for more "value", youd probably be under 10c/gal,
  13. what's more kid friendly than pee-wee herman!?
  14. It will turn your second filter into a bird?
  15. victoly


    Yeah, if youve got the stuff, CO2 will only make things better. like jestep said, if you're gonna do CO2, youre best off going to use ferts as well, or growth will be limited.
  16. that's one method. the other method is to have a valve/loop that bypasses the flow restrictor. With no flow, water rapidly flows over the RO membrane instead of through it, which removes some of the debris that has settled on the RO membrane.
  17. i will taze rob in or out of a cat suit.
  18. I have two cats that would probably benefit from a tazing.
  19. I'd like to arrange a meeting whereby my cat can have an "accident" on it, to determine if it is suitable for my cat's purposes.
  20. price drops and sold the DC8. BAMP.
  21. Thanks reeflover! Anyone who needs their nails done needs to head over to Wynn Nail Salon!
  22. Hey mike thanks for the offer. Like reeflover posted below, I'd hate to take one out of service for you! This is exactly what I need! PMing you shortly. I'll need to investigate, but on principle i don't see why not, if you use the speedwave cable from reefangel that converts from PWM->0-10v.
  23. It's not a contest ooZa Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
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