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Everything posted by victoly

  1. NOOOOOOO. I'm assuming that your family is ok, but to keep things reef topical, how did your tanks fare ?
  2. Oh he's fine alright. Foine.
  3. I talked to him. He's fine. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. looks to me like a zoa eating nudi
  5. warp speed montipora if its brown, sunset montipora if its pink.
  6. friendly reminder to calibrate your pH probes

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. fishypets


      I just got through calibrating a few minutes ago.

    3. ckyuv


      I still haven't figured out how to calibrate

    4. victoly



  7. Awesome. Glad it's working for you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. also, give this a shot http://www.reeftronics.net/network-diagnostic
  9. actually, funny you should mention that (if you're talking about the nest, which i love). The next firmware revision is going to go a very similar route to the nest and cut out all the dynamic DNS IP garbage and streamline the process quite a bit. We'll see how it's implemented.
  10. i just made up that address sorry for the confusion. once you get your dynamic dns setup (whatever address freedns gives you), you'll set up port forwarding on your 2wire such that any traffic that is coming to the 2wire from port 8080 (jcab.reeftank.com:8080) will be forwarded to your apex ID address (192.168.1.xxx) where xx is whatever you chose for the last digits.
  11. Ultimately, athletic directors aren't there to make the fans happy. Fan happiness is a desirable byproduct of an athletic director achieving his/her primary objectives. The duty of athletic director is to put the best product on the fields of play and to make the largest amount of money with the fewest amount of bev kearney lawsuits. Deloss failed at 2/3 and the oliver luck choochoo train is coming to the station. Here's to booze at DKR.
  12. Cotton bowl could happen this year if we don't win out (baylor, looking at you, plz stop scoring).
  13. yes, youll need to add the port when connecting via iphone as well. additionally, when you use your dynamic dns address the port needs to be there as well jcab.reeftank.com:8080.
  14. yep, that's the issue. your web browser assumes port 80 for anything http unless you specify a different port when you type in an address (like the
  15. Hmmmm, another option worth considering is to do what esacjack mentioned in another thread, and basically just have your gateway hand off traffic to a wireless router. The capabilities of the 2wire frankly suck, and you might have a much easier time setting up the standard wrt54g, or whatever you might have lying around. just out of curiosity, when you changed the address, did you use the port when connecting via browser? for example, it used to just be, but when you change the port it needs to be
  16. when you say you changed the http port, do you mean on the apex or opened 8080 on the router?
  17. Not good. Looks like it's on it's way out IMO. Once you start getting algae covering the entire skeletal structure like that, i've never had luck bringing them back. Nothing about your params look off, but then again its usually swings in parameter that do the damage. How is the temp in the tank. Other inhabitants doing ok? I'd try scrubbing off the algae with a toothbrush and move it to a more shaded area.
  18. Maybe the change in barometric pressure? Same thing happened on the 13th when we had a good storm go through. It also dropped a lot on the 17th but I don't remember if we had a big shift in weather. Maybe? Seems like a weird mechanism to affect pH though. For pH to DROP heavily, you would need there to be more CO2 dissolving. Maybe the high pressure is more conducive to having more CO2 dissolve? I'd be interested to see Jamie's data, although you may have to have had the windows open like I did, if that is in fact what made the drop heavy.
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