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Everything posted by victoly

  1. I have one, but i keep it off (manually). I have 2 23w pumps plus 10w in my skimmer (total of 53w) heating my closed top tank all the time with LEDs in an enclosed (but ventilated) sub enclosure. I have an evaporative fan, but it really doesnt seem to make a huge difference.
  2. Chiller time is OVER. For today...
  3. Can you just install a valve to turn the flow to the chiller off? Realistically, if you have the pipes insulated and a heater installed, i can't imagine it would cause problems more than 2-3 nights a year in texas.
  4. you're going to need nutrient input somehow. typically what you see is utility fish (tangs, 6 lines) to keep algae and pests in check which contribute to the bioload necessary to sustain coral growth.
  5. victoly

    Fish and Coral

    that looks like a cyphastrea to me
  6. whatever you do, make sure it has a secondary control of some kind.
  7. give me all the meds,all the time.
  8. tend to agree with tim here. My growth overall was fine with just RB/CB LEDs, but my coloration sucked. It's much improved under a wider spectrum, with comparable growth, and I would imagine that getting to the most appropriate full spectrum would only improve color and growth.
  9. feelin that bicep curl brah
  10. victoly

    Diving back in

    See, there are totally reasons i hold to all these tanks honey! For leaks! Wait, they don't leak that often..... lets stop talking.... Welcome!
  11. if it's mycedium (which it looks like to me), that falls under the "chalice" trade name, which encapsulates several genera (oxypora, echinphyllia, echinopora, mycedium). The standard of care for chalices are generally the same IME: if your color is washed out, take it to lower light.
  12. I've had mine on wood for nearly 2 years. Granted I haven't pulled it up to see what's underneath...
  13. Looks like a chalice to me. If it's losing color, I'd put it on the sandbed in a shady spot and try to feed it maybe once a week or so by dropping pellets on the mouths (flow off).
  14. 100% buy new, its not worth the risk IMO.
  15. Surely there's an adage here...
  16. victoly

    LEDs Needed

    what color blue? RB?
  17. I'll just leave this here.... http://blog.mysanantonio.com/aggies/2013/11/no-thanks-aggies-say-facing-longhorns-in-regular-season-no-longer-an-option/ Refocus the ire cannons.
  18. victoly


    You're not gonna get an apex for that price . I'd save up until you can though, best on the market, bar none.
  19. I wonder if this has to do with daylight savings or making your clock central standard time? When you log in from your web interface, what time does it show?
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