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Everything posted by Benny

  1. Benny


    Still have this thing? Very interested!
  2. Dang, Wish this was a 36 inch!And 250w
  3. I will take the light/ballast's and sump 100% will even pre pay if you want.
  4. http://www.austinreefclub.com/topic/18146-54g-acrylic-tank-stand-lights-48x13x20h/
  5. Got this a few weeks ago, Going with a different setup. 1/4 inch all around, Not a DIY tank. Braced around the top, Has lights and covers, Rounded front edges. Looks really nice! Currently sitting filled on my back porch. $100 firm. Want what I paid. Thanks!
  6. won't worry about trying then
  7. what time will it be too late for me to stop by and get a membership card? I have to work till 5 but I am up north.
  8. Yeah, It is on craigslist now. Should have waited to get a tank haha, Getting quotes for cut glass around town... Gonna just make my own tank. So far the price is right! Also looking at buying a tank from a member that needs to be resealed. 115g
  9. And yeah... After measuring it... Again... 1/4 inch all around. Just moved it on the stand to the back porch and filled it. Wont see direct sunlight
  10. Thank you! your tanks are beautiful! Sorry for being a dunce and having Chad drag out that tank for no reason.
  11. I filled it all the way when I bought it and there was slight bow to the front and back, But it was in the 110 degree heat, with hot well water. Not rimless, has a full top with cutouts for HOB filters and accessories, Then cutouts for lights, also has center brace. All the seams are bubble free and it is not a diy...
  12. No brand name on it. Gonna just cut my losses, sell it and go bigger...
  13. Well that really bums me out... guess ill try and sell it.
  14. Going to be taking this build slow, So I can get it as "Right" as I can the first time! haha. I got the tank and stand off craigslist, for a really good price, But it is only 1/8 inch thick acrylic. Is this gonna be ok? I figure the water pressure wont be that bad with 50lbs of rock... The tank is a rounded front corner seamless acrylic, has some scratches but was never used. Plan is to add either a internal overflow or external overflow, and add 2-3 returns to the bottom of the tank. This is what I have so far in sketchup. The top is braced but I have it hidden in the pics. I also picked up a 18g Cadlights Pro-Reef sump from ARC member Marco. Comments? Suggestions?
  15. Awesome group, Already met 3 members and they have been great! And I plan on doing a whole lot of research while building my reef tank setup, far before I put any livestock in.
  16. Benny

    18G Reef Sump

    Picking up in a little while!
  17. Thanks! Just picked up a 55g acrylic tank(never used) and stand. Designing a overflow and deciding where to put the returns. Excited!
  18. Thinking its sold, Sent a pm and he said someone was picking it up and he would let me know if it falls through.
  19. Will try and make it out. Pending I can make it in time! haha.
  20. I get off work at 5 that day, Would love to come out and meet some people, And pick up one of the member cards. How late will people be there?
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