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Everything posted by Benny

  1. Jake has a bunch still. Also has one setup on the front counter, looks very nice.
  2. Got a 20 long with 2 hob filters you welcome to stop by and grab.
  3. Do you have a sump? The only issue I see is heat so long as you acclimate the tank to the new lighting slowly. I have zoas sitting on the sandbed directly under a 250w and some sps further up, My condy is huge and has not moved since I placed him. They are all growing and colorful. 18 inch deep tank with ~2 inch sandbed. Light is about 11 inches off the water. iirc most MH reflectors light a 24x24 inch area so for a 48 inch tank 2 is a must. I think your idea for lighting is good. With all that said. 2 150s should be just fine. Just my noob opinion. lol
  4. FWIW I have a single 250WMH hanging over my 40 breeder and everything is doing great. Low light stuff on the edges.
  5. "Stand may be used to support car" Should add that. lol Thing is BEEFY.
  6. Do you use the honeycomb limestone in any reef tanks as a main source of biofiltration? I ask cause I have access to some awesome large pieces that would look great.
  7. I plan on getting a SRBTA for myself on my birthday next year. Sounds like you may have one by then... Haha.
  8. Only first got interested in this stuff about 8 months ago now look at me! haha.
  9. Added a SCWD and has made a amazing difference.
  10. 40 Breeder, Setup with dryrock a few months ago.
  11. I ran a 800gph powerhead, AC70, and a 20 gallon HOB filter modified to be a surface skimmer in my 20L QT/frag tank and everything was growing like crazy and the fish seemed fine with plenty of PVC L's on the bottom.
  12. Are you sure no parts were misplaced or overlooked?
  13. Anytime man! Cant wait to see everything setup.
  14. Thought it was 7... And the site says 4...
  15. I was about to pull in right after 6 and saw the lights off and open sign off. Forget to set your clocks back?
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