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Everything posted by TeamAquaSD

  1. 211. Ultra Gum Drop – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $60 212. Special Gold – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50/frag 213. Rainbow Pallet Rhodactis – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30/ea 214. Peach Elephant Fraggers Dream – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $175 215. Kaleidoscope Echinata – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $60 (2 eyes frag) 216. Holy Moly Hammer – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $80 217. Death Race Loripes – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 218. Aussie Bubbly Shroom – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30 219. Bali Sweet Mille – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 220. Aussie Yellow Tigers – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $25
  2. 201. War Skin Bower – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $50 202. Spiderman Micro – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $150 203. Rainbow Plate – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $150 204. Passion Fruit Shroom – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30 205. Large Ancient Watermelon – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $60 206. Gold Hand Favia – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $15 207. Dragon Eye Zoas – Retail Price - $10 – SALE PRICE - $5/frag 208. Aussie Milky Way – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $35 209. Bic Mitchell Acan – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $100 210. Banana Deepwater – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30
  3. 191. War Skin Bower – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $150 192. Super Blinding Hydno – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 193. Rainbow Fruit Punch – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $40 194. Peach Static Zoas – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $15 195. King James Paly – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30 196. La Dolce Vita Chalice – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 197. Dragon Ball Z Show Piece – Retail Price - $500 – SALE PRICE - $225 198. Aussie Nuclear Duncan – Retail Price - $20/head – SALE PRICE - $5 (Buy 2 Heads Get 1 Free) 199. La Dolce Vita Chalice – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $40 200. Bejeweled Acan – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $250
  4. 181. War Skin Trachy – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $120 182. Sunset Mille – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $25/frag 183. Rainbow Ring Chalice – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 184. Peachy Bouquet – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 185. Large Cyphastrea Chunk – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $5 186. Gold Member Bower – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 187. Eye Of Tiger – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 188. Aussie Pink Lava Shroom – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 189. Bleeding Apple Colony – Retail Price - $1000 – SALE PRICE - $650 190. Black Hole Sun Acan – Retail Price - $1500 – SALE PRICE - $800
  5. 171. Watermelon Craze Trio – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30 172. Strawberry Patch Chalice – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $20 173. Rainbow Ring Micro – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $200 174. Peachy Red Bower – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $200 175. Large OJ Shroom – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 176. Grafting Chalice – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $80 177. Fast Break Acan – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $150 178. Boiling Point Shroom – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30 179. Blue Ants Monti – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 180. Black Panther Acan – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $150
  6. 161. XL Eye Miami – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $25 162. Super Metallic Goni Combo – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $100 163. Rainbow Safari Chalice – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $175 164. Phantom Aussie Micro – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $150 165. Lemon Lime Hammer Time – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $100 166. Gorgeous Micro Colony – Retail Price - $500 – SALE PRICE - $350 167. Fifth Element Chalice – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $80/frag 168. Rainbow Punch – Retail Price - $30 per polyp – SALE PRICE - $15 Buy 2 Polyps Get 1 Free 169. Bleeding OJ Chalice – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 170. Blinding Stag – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $15
  7. 151. Wrath Of Gods Micro – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $200 152. Super Daisies – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $65 153. Neon Rainbow Scoly – Retail Price - $750 – SALE PRICE - $300 154. Pink Booty Chalice – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 155. Lightning Round Chalice – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $100 156. Gorgeous Pink Convict Chalice – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $100 157. Fireworks Chalice – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $40 158. Neon Lights Litho – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $5 159. Blinding Tenuis Med – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 160. Aussie BTA – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40
  8. 141. XL Shredders – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $25 142. Super-Hot Micro – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $200 143. Red Assassin Chalice – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 144. Pink Convict Chalice – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - 5 145. Lemon Lime Hammer Time – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $100 146. Granny Smith Bower – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $150 147. Flame Thrower Acan – Retail Price - $750 – SALE PRICE - $400 148. Dexter’s Mini Combo – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $45 149. Blue Man Monti – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30 150. Blue Fox Mycedium – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $65
  9. 131. Wicked Rings Micro – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $200 132. Super-Hot Yuma – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 133. Red Bliss Chalice – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30 134. Pink Nebula – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20/ea OR - $35 for 2/polyps 135. Lemony Lime Wellso – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $150 136. Gran Turismo Chalice – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $75 137. Fruit Punch Cluster – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 138. Deep Purple Gorg – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $50 139. Blue Shruken Single – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 140. Blinding Tenuis – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30
  10. 121. XL Yellow Stem Blue Mille Frag – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $50 122. Superman Shroom – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 123. Red Convict Chalice – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $10 124. Pink Convict – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $5 125. Lightning Round Chalice – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $150 126. Gran Turismo Chalice – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $75 127. Flamethrower Favia – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 128. Aussie Pinky Teal Yuma – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $25 129. Blue Fox Mycedium – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $65 130. Blue Ants Monti – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $25
  11. 111. XXL Super Lobo – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $80 112. Super Neon Chalice – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $100 113. Red Crusher Shroom – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $150 114. Pink Panda Paly Cluster – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $75 115. Light Speed Chalice – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30/frag 116. Home Grafting Duo – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 117. Fruit Punch Cluster – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 118. Red Fruit Punch – Retail Price - $30 per polyp – SALE PRICE - $10 Buy 2 polyps G et 1 Free 119. Bloodshot Micro – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $100 120. ASD Rainbow Palace Chalice – Retail Price - $500 – SALE PRICE - $250
  12. 101. XL Super Chalice – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $100 102. Super Tipped Torch – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 103. Red Knight Favia – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 104. Pink Stars Convict Chalice – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $100 105. Long John Silver Zoas – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 106. Hell’s Kitchen Chalice – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20/frag 107. Flamethrower Chalice 3 Eyes – Retail Price - $550 – SALE PRICE - $175 108. Super Metallic Red Goni – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $125 109. Blue Man Monti – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30 110. Bloody Mary Chalice – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10
  13. 91. Yellow Magic Stick – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 92. Sweet Cultured Hairy Shrooms – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 93. Red Lipstick Chalice – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 94. Pink Vitamin – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $60 95. Mean Greens – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $15 96. Large Home Grown RBTA (9 inches) – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $175 97. Fruit Punch Cluster – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 98. Golden Age Cyphastrea – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $10 99. Blue Tile Mille – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $25 100. Blue Fox Mycedium – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $65
  14. 81. Yellow Mille Overstock Special – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $5 82. Sweet Gum Drop – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $50 83. Red Nipples Chalice – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $5 84. Premium Gumdrop – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $75 85. Long Neon Polyps Joker – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 86. Homegrown Frogpsawn – Retail Pricce - $35/head – SALE PRICE - $20/head - $35 for 2/heads - $45 for 3/heads 87. Forrest Fire Digi – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50/frag 88. Crazy Aussie War Paint Scoly – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $150 89. Blue Trinity Mille – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $50 90. Blue Star Micro – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $100
  15. 71. Yellow Germ Chalice – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $40 72. Sweet Octo – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 73. Red Scarr – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $60 74. Premium Paly Colony – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $100 75. Orange Sensation Chalice – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 76. Home Grown Red Goni – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $75 77. Frag Me Up Micro – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $200 78. Dexter’s Revenge Mini Colony – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $85 79. Blue Ocean Chalice – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 80. Blue Fox Mycedium – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $65
  16. 61. Yellow Ring Aussie Monti – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $5 62. Superman Micro – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $200 63. Red Skittles – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 64. Princess Toadstool Cluster – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $25 65. Maul Eyes Favia – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $15 66. Homegrown GSP Frag – Retail Price - $20 – SALE PRICE - $5 67. Fruit Punch Cluster – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 68. Grinch Cyphastrea – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $5 69. Blue Scorpion Mille – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30 70. Blue Milky Way Shroom – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40
  17. 51. Yellow Sparkles – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 52. Super Pink Mille – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 53. Royal Blue Polyps – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $50 54. Purple River Splash Chalice – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $100 55. Medium Ancient Watermelon – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 56. Hot Aussie Monti – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $50 57. Fruit Punch Cluster – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 58. Evil Dexter’s Shroom – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 59. Aussie BTA – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $60 60. Blue Rave Micro – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $100
  18. 41. Yellow Submarine Acro – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $80 42. Super Yuma – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $50 43. Safari Rainbow – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $40 44. Radion Acro – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $50 45. Midnight Lunars – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10/frag 46. Hot Blood Ring Micro – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $200 47. Rainbow Gator Convict – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $30 48. Homegrown Pagoda – Retail Price - $20 – SALE PRIce - $10 49. Cherry Blossom – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $20 50. Aussie BTA – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40
  19. 31. Ying Yang Echinata – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 32. Sweet Duo – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $35 33. Sleepy Hollow Lord – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $25 34. Radical Pink Mille – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 35. Million Stars Horrida – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 36. Interstellar Shroom – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $250 37. Frozen Deepwater – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30 38. Aussie Persian Rug Premium – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $65 39. Cherry Blossom Medium – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $20 40. Celtics Favia – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30
  20. 21. Golden Sunrise Yuma Duo – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 22. Sweet Green Pocci – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $5 23. Soloman Lemon Lime Torch – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 24. Pumpkin Skin Litho – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $15 25. Milky Splash Palys – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $5 26. Jedi Mindtrick – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 27. Frosty Freeze Mycedium – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 28. Pink Fruit Punch Paly – Retail Price - $30 per polyp – SALE PRICE - $10 buy 2 polyps Get 1 Free 29. Brave Heart Chalice – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 30. Bumble Bee – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $50
  21. 11. Ace Combat Zoas – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $15 12. Ultimate Aussie Lemon Lime Goni – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 13. Spartacus Chalice – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $75 14. Preview Of New War Paint Bower (Email us for Availability) 15. Mohawk Quad – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $15 16. Jack o Lantern – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $60 17. Frozen Tide Acro – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40/frag 18. Meteor Shower Cyphastrea – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $5 19. Cherry Blossom – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $20 20. Crazy Blue Zoa Colony – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $100
  22. 1. Agaves – Retail Price – Retail Price - $50 – S=SALE PRICE - $20 2. Sweet Octo – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 3. Sleepy Hollow Lord – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $25 4. Purple Eye Leptastrea – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $5 5. Multi-Color Cyphastrea – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $40 6. Lemon Lime Hammer Time – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $100 7. Fruit Punch Cluster – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 8. OJ Leptastrea – Retail Price - $20 – SALE PRICE - $5 9. Clown Face Psammacora – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 10. Candy Crush Shroom – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $200
  23. That is it for this round guys! Please email your order to: [email protected] We will start getting back to everyone right now. Remember, there is no Time Limit to our updates and sales! Thank you for viewing, have a great night everyone!
  24. 451. Dragon Ball Z Show Piece – Retail Price - $500 – SALE PRICE - $350 452. Amazing Pink Convict Colony – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $175 453. Krypto Cluster – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 454. XL Super Chalice – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $175 455. Gorgeous Dip N Dots Chalice – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $175 456. Insane Rainbow Hammer – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $200 457. Death Star Feather and Zoa Combo – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 458. Crazy Neon Cabbage (Super Bright) – Retail Price - $120 – SALE PRICE - $65 459. Aussie Persian Rug Premium – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $100 460. Bubble Gum Monster Mother Colony – Retail Price - $1000 – SALE PRICE - $600
  25. 441. Toxic Splattered Hammer Colony – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $125 442. Show Piece XXL Chalice – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $175 443. Toadstool – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 444. Super Toxic Splatter – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $125 445. Super Neon Chalice – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $175 446. Aussie Bubbly Shroom – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 447. Aussie Purple Viper Chalice Colony – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $80 448. Candy Crush Shroom – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $250 449. Crazy Hot Chalice – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $175 450. Gold Bar Shroom – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $200
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