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Everything posted by TeamAquaSD

  1. 151. Viva Acan Lord – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $40 152. Skittles Lobo – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $75 153. Plating Efflo – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 154. Homegrown Pink Birdsnest – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $15 155. Grassy Mayan Favia – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 156. Deep OJ Eyes – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $5 157. Blue Freak Tort – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 158. Striping Craze Lobo – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 159. Ball Of Fire Lobo – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $75 160. Hot Combo – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20
  2. 141. Wagon Stripes Plate – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $100 142. Snowing Chalice – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 143. Poison Lep – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 144. Homegrown Acro Pack – Tort SSC Surf Turf Miyagi Pearl – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $75 145. Fried Eggs Zoas – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $25 146. Day Dream Maze – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $60/per frag 147. Black Spider Plate – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $120 148. Rainbow Lord Colony – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $100 149. Beautiful Trachy – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 150. Fancy Orange Yuma – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30
  3. 131. Turtle Power Favia – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $5 132. Snow Patch Favia – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 133. Rainbow Max Trachy – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $200 134. Home Grown Fuzzy Poccli – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $5 135. Fuzzy Branching Psammacora – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 (Buy 2 Get 1 Free) 136. Deep Raspberry Mille – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 137. Bleeding Eye Favia – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $5 138. Rainbow Patterns Scoly – Retail Price - $500 – SALE PRICE - $250 139. Aussie Yellow Splash Trachy – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 140. Cluster Of Hornets – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30
  4. 121. Toxic Ring Trachy – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $75 122. Special Aussie Goni – Retail Price - $500 – SALE PRICE - $175 123. Rainbow Maze – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $50 124. Homegrown Super Goni – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 125. Gator Acantho – Retail Price - $750 – SALE PRICE - $250 126. Dendro Head – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30 (Buy 3 Get 1 Free) 127. Blinding Aussie Hardy Goni – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $50 128. Rainbow Reverse Apple Scoly – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $200 129. Bleeding Apple Scoly – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $120 130. Aussie Turbinaria – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $5
  5. 111. Two Face War Coral – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 112. Special Lemonade – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $50 113. Rainbow Eyes Acan – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $15 114. Hot Encrusting Pack – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $80 115. Garf Bonsai Base – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 116. Cinderella Acro – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $60/per frag 117. Blinding Goniastrea – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $15 118. Tangerine Ring Lobo – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 119. Aussie Special War Paint Trachy – Retail Price - $500 – SALE PRICE - $250 120. Aussie Blood Wine Shroom – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $15
  6. 101. Ultra Mille Pack – Raspberry Bazooka Sunrise Dynasty – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $95 102. Special Ring Symphyllia – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $60 103. Rainbow Max Plate – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $100 104. Hotness Yuma – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $100 105. Golden Age Gorg – Retail Price - $30/per frag – SALE PRICE - $10/per 2 inch frag 106. Christmas Symphyllia – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $60 107. Blinding Red Plate – Retail Price - $500 – SALE PRICE - $300 108. Tonga Delight Lobo – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $75 109. Aussie Super Lobo – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $100 110. Akumas Palys – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30
  7. 91. White Cross Shrooms Duo – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $150 92. Splatter Goniastrea – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $15 93. Rainbow Acan – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 94. Monster Alwii – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $25 95. Glowing Mayan – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $15 96. Convict Duo – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $15 97. Bleeding Apple Bower – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $60 98. Toxic Stem Hammer 6 inches – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $100 99. Aussie Incredible Trachy XL – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $150 100. Alien Pinks – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10
  8. 81. White Dash Aussie Shroom – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $100 82. SPS Starter Pack – Stylo Birdsnest Digi – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $40 83. Rainbow Apple Cluster – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $60 84. Omega Fires – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $15 85. Flame Carpet Shrooms – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30 86. Crazy Neon Cabbage - $10/per small frag - $20/per medium frag 87. Beserk Goni Colony – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $50 88. Sweet Patterns Lobo – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 89. Bleeding Scoly – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $120 90. Mega Ring Blasto Duo – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $15
  9. 71. White Eye Pinks – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 72. Starburst Monti – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $25 73. Rainbow Bleeding Convict – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $75 74. Orange Julius Acan – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $15 75. Five Aussie Hammer Pack – 2 Yellows 3 Greens – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $80 76. Darth Maul Acantho – Retail Price - $750 – SALE PRICE - $400 77. Bargain Lobo – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $40 78. Teal Eyes Lobo – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 79. Rainbow Scoly – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $200 80. Tiffany Lord Mini Colony – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50
  10. 61. XL Aussie Show Goni – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $250 62. Starry Night Acro – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30 63. Rainbow Center Symphyllia – Retail Price - $500 – SALE PRICE - $150 64. Magic Stick – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $50 65. Holy Grail Plate – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $200 66. Darth Maul Cluster – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $50 67. Baby Blue Thunder Mille – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 68. Nuclear Stem Special Hammer -Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $75 69. Orange Camo Lobo – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 70. Sweet Acan Lord Mini Colony – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50
  11. 51. XL Confusa Chunk – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 52. Sunshine Ring Palys – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 53. Rainbow Convict – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $25 54. Majestic Acro – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 55. Holiday Express – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $20 56. Darth Maul Bower – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30 57. Aussie Turbinaria – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $5 58. Super Rainbow Lord Colony – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $120 59. Sunshine Ring Trachy – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $75 60. Nuclear Stem Special Hammer – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $75
  12. 41. Yellow Sunkisses – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 42. Super Convict – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $15 43. Rainbow Echinata – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 (Buy 2 Get 1 Free) 44. Matrix Rainbow Lord Duo – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 45. Green Skirt Pinkies – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $15 46. Christmas Symphyllia – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $60 47. Bada Bing Acro – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 48. ASD Flame Thrower Chalice Double Eye – Retail Price - $500 – SALE PRICE - $150 49. Yellow Tips Hammer Duo – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $50 50. Super Red Trachy – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $60
  13. 31. Yellow Madness Trachy – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $200 32. Super Cross Aussie Rhodactis – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $100 33. Rainbow Goni – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $75 34. Mega Favia Pack – Retail Price - $400 – SALE PRICE - $120 35. Gryphon Rider Duo – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $25 36. Cluster Of RPEs – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 37. Balanophyllia – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 (Buy 2 Get 1Free) 38. Aqua Radion – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $75 39. Yellow Eyes Iron Man Lobo – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $90 40. Yellow Tips Hammer Duo - Retail Price - $150 - SALE PRICE - $50
  14. 21. Zombie Eye Favia – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $5 22. White Cross Aussie Shroom – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $100 23. Super Colors Chalice – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $65 24. Rainbow Acan Pack – Jesters Matrix Junebug – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $100 25. Orange Eye Acan – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $15 26. Hairy Tenuis – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 27. Fantasy Favia – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 28. Barbie Stick – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $50 29. Agent Orange Trachy – Retail Price - $500 – SALE PRICE - $300 30. Aquacultured Premium Goni – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $100
  15. 11. Zs And Ps Pack – Pinks Ice Blues Crazy Pinks Orbitz – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $40 12. XXL Super Yuma – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $150 13. Super Eye Acan – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 14. Purple Patch Phantom Goni – Retail Price - $500 – SALE PRICE - $150 15. Magic Stick – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $50 16. Hawaiian Six Pack At Least One Agave Frag – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $20 17. Extreme Spider Man Duo – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $60 18. Battfield Coral – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 19. Alistar Shroom – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $15 20. Akumas Paly – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $60
  16. 1. Yellow Toxic Lobo – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $75 2. Yellow Alien Plate – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $150 3. Superfreak Tort Large – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $35 4. Purple Rehabs – Retail Price - $50/frag – SALE PRICE - $20 per 3 polyps 5. Mix Acan Pack – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $50 6. Holiday Express – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $15/per polyp 7. Extreme Shortcake – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30/perfrag 8. Chimera Acan – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $60 9. Blue Knuckles – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $40 10. Alien Blood Plate – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $200
  17. That is it for this round of Corals guys. Hope everyone scored some great deals. Have a Safe and Fun Labor Day Weekend! - Nick
  18. 521. Aussie Hardy Blue Goni – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $60 522. Alien Blood Chalice – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $25 523. Akumas Palys – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 524. Aussie Hardy Blue Goni – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $60 525. ASD Flame Thrower Chalice Double Eye – Retail Price - $500 – SALE PRICE - $150 526. Alien Pinks – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 527. Aussie Orange Hammer – Retail Price - $500 – SALE PRICE - $150 528. Aussie Hardy Goni – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $40 529. Agaves – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 530. Aussie Orange Hammer – Retail Price - $500 – SALE PRICE - $150
  19. 511. Extreme Shortcake – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30/per frag 512. Dreamworks Yuma – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 513. Blinding Aussie Hardy Goni – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $50 514. Aussie Deep Red Ring Trachy – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $150 515, Electric Orange Juice – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 516. Aussie Blood Wine Shroom – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $15 517. Blue Dreams Chalice – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 518. ASD Holy Grail Torch – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $150 519. ASD Super Freak Tort – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $20 520. Homegrown Super Goni – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40
  20. 501. Hot Encrusting Pack – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $100 502. Crazy Patterns Trachy – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $60 503. Aussie Hardy Goni – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $40 504. Aussie Nebulas – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 505. Electric Peach Hero Trachy – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $175 506. Aussie Blue Goni – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $10 507. Blue Mirage Acro – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30 508. Blue Flames Chalice – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $80 509. Aussie Hardy Blue Goni – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $60 510. Hot Combo – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20
  21. 491. Super Grinch Monti – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 492. Super Sweet Goni – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $60 493. Red Tide Chalice – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $15 494. Rare White Cross Shroom – Retail Price - $250 – SALE PRICE - $120 495. Purple Radion – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 496. Pink Ring Super Lord – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 497. Hawkins Homegrown – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 498. Encrusting Sweet Mango Psammacora – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $15 499. Superman Shroom – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10 500. Special Scoly – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $150
  22. 481. Ultra Aussie Symphyllia – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $80 482. Super Torch – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $60 483. Rodeo Convict Chalice – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $40 484. Purple Patch Phantom Goni – Retail Price - $500 – SALE PRICE - $200 485. Premium Interstellar – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $150 486. Mega Reds – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $15 487. Holiday Palys – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $30 488. Extreme Spiderman Palys – Retail Price - $100/polyp – SALE PRICE - $50/per polyp - $60 for two polyps 489. Crazy Goni Colony – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $80 490. Alien Blood Trachy – Retail Price - $150 – SALE PRICE - $60
  23. 471. Giant Palm Tree Cloves – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $15 for 2 Stalks 472. Super XL 6 inches Purple Maze Platygyra – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $120 473. Show Stopper Aussie Trachy – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $120 474. Purple Nebulas – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $15 475. Premium Ricordea Rock 11 Special Rics – Retail Price - $400 – SALE PRICE - $200 476. Mega Ring Blasto Duo – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $15 477. Holy Grail Lord – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $75 478. Fairyland Maze – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $30/per frag 479. Crazy Neon Cabbage - $10/per small frag - $20/per medium frag 480. Alien Orange Plate – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $80
  24. 461. Purple Death War Coral – Retail Price - $30 – SALE PRICE - $10/per frag 462. Super Colors Chalice – Retail Price - $200 – SALE PRICE - $80 463. Red Blossom Acro – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 464. Rainbow Acan Lord – Retail Price - $300 – SALE PRICE - $150 465. Premium Maxi Mini – Retail Price - $100 – SALE PRICE - $50 466. Mutant Turtle Palys – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $20 467. Holy Grail Torch Jumbo – Retail Price - $350 – SALE PRICE - $200 468. Fancy OJ Convict – Retail Price - $50 – SALE PRICE - $25 469. Crazy Gold Trio – Retail Price - $75 – SALE PRICE - $60 470. ASD Flame Thrower Chalice Double Eye – Retail Price - $500 – SALE PRICE - $150
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