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Everything posted by TeamAquaSD

  1. 161. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale –Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $35 162. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $35 163. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $35 164. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $30 165. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $25 166. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $25 167. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $25 168. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $25 169. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $25 170. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $25
  2. 151. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 152. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 153. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 154. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 155. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 156. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 157. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 158. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $40 159. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $40 160. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50
  3. 141. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 142. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale –Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $35 143. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 144. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 145. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 146. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 147. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale –Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 148. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 149. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 150. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50
  4. 131. Sweet Vietnam Combo – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 132. Tank Grown Bonsai – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 133. Tangerine Dream Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 134. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $30 135. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 136. Sweet OJ Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 137. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 138. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 139. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 140. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50
  5. 121. Tank Raised Ultra Maxima Clam – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 122. Tank Raised Ultra Maxima Clam- Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 123. Tank Raised Ultra Maxima Clam – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 124. Tank Raised Ultra Maxima Clam – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 125. Tank Raised Maxima Clam – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 126. Tank Raised Black Tiger Maxima – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 127. Tank Raised Black Tiger Maxima – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 128. Tank Grown Rainbow Tenuis – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 129. Tank Raised Black Tiger Maxima – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 130. Tank Grown Rainbow Tenuis – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50
  6. 111. Thunder God Monti – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 112. This One Is Hot – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 113. Toxic Alve Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 114. This One Is Funky – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 115. Teal Large Goni Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 116. Teal Berry Super Tenuis – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $75 117. Teal Picnic Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 118. Tealtastic Tenuis Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 119. Tank Raised Ultra Maxima Clam – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 120. Tank Raised Ultra Maxima Clam –Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75
  7. 101. Toxic Spath Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 102. Toxic Octo Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 103. Toxic Mille – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 104. Toxic Tabling Acro Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 105. Toxic Power Spath Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 106. Toxic Mans Spath Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 107. Toxic Mille – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 108. Toxic Candle – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 109. Toxic Eye Purple Octopussy – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 110. Sweet Deal Hot Lobo Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50
  8. 91. War Paint Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 92. Ultra Pink Tabling Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 93. Uber Grade Tenuis – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 94. Toxic XL Bubble – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 95. Tumbling Cyphastrea – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $30 96. Toxic Aussie Scoly – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 97. Toxic Tips Lots Of Heads Hammer Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 98. Toxic Wolverine Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 99. Toxic Tenuis – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 100. Toxic Stem Glowing Hammer Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150
  9. 81. XL Grape Bubble – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 82. XL White Stripe Pink Yuma – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 83. Wild Wolverine Colony – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 84. Shortcake Purple – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20 86. Wowzers Premium – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $30 87. Wicked Pink – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 88. War Zone Super Chalice Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 89. Toxic Dragon Chunk – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $10 90. West Aussie Funky Lord Chunk – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50
  10. 71. Dendro Loving Life 4 Heads – $120 72. Yellow Mille Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 73. Yellow Mille – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 74. Yellow Cake Supreme – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 75. Yellow Dashes Super Lobo – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 76. Yellow Large Mille Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 77. Yellow Cake Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 78. Yellow Lightning Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 79. XXL Goliath Orange Yuma – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 80. Yellow Cake – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200
  11. 61. ASD 10 Acan Pack – $100 62. ASD 10 Acro And Monti Pack – $100 63. Caseys Shroom – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $20 64. Dragon Eye – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $5 65. Amazing Cynaria – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $75 66. Pink Tips Elegance – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 67. Apple Bee – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20 68. Collectors Shroom – Retail Price $500 SALE PRICE $200 69. Yellow Ring Dragon Soul Favia Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 70. Yellow Savage – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200
  12. 51. Timeless Warrior – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15 52. Galaxy Doom – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $40 53. Maxi Mini 5 Combo Pack – Mixed Colors – Retail Price $150 SALE PRICE $50 (for five nems) 54. Jack o Lantern – Retail Price $75 SALE PRICE $30 55. Aussie Elegance – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $35 56. ASD 10 Favia Pack – $60 57. ASD 10 Chalice Pack – $100 58. ASD 10 Acro Pack – $100 59. Alien Zone – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $10 60. Overseer – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20
  13. 41. Aussie Fat Stem Hydno – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20 42. ASD Rainbow Favia – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $40 43. Zombie Eyes – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $5 44. Galactic Goniastrea – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $10 45. Ball Of Yellow – Retail Price $500 SALE PRICE $300 46. Nuclear Leather – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $40 47. ASD Super Sonic Monti – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 48. Gold Spots Rainbow Chalice Colony – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 49. ASD 10 Zoa And Paly Pack – $100 50. Mother Colony ASD Leprechauns 10 Polyps – $1,200
  14. 31. Rainbow Rhodactis Rock – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 32. Bleeding Apple – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $40 33. Blue Green Bubble – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 34. Bleeding Apple – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $40 35. Aussie Elegant Elegance – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $35 36. Aussie Fat Double Golden Torch – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $120 37. Dendro Single – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $30 38. Candy Cane Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $30 39. War Mongo Hillae – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20 40. Bleeding Apple Hillae – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50
  15. 21. Nuclear Bubble Coral – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 22. Jack o Lantern Med – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 23. Mummy Eye – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $40 24. Master Ring Scoly – $800 25. Master Scoly – $250 26. Time Splitter – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20 27. ASD Rainbow Phoenix – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 28. Mother Colony ASD Leprechauns 13 Polyps – $1,500 29. Hyper Zone Chalice Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 30. Painters Pallet Rhodactis Shroom Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100
  16. 11. Santa Clause Zoas Special – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 12. Red Venom – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 13. Red Lips – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $30 14. Queen Bee – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 15. Pipe Organ Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 16. Purple Hornet Lord – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 17. Pink Tips Bubble Nem – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 18. Yellow Elegance – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 19. Yellow Hammer – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20/per head – or $35 for 2/heads 20. Nuclear Blizzard – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20
  17. 1. Zoolander Bounce – Retail Price $500 SALE PRICE $300 2. Yellow Elegance – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 3. Rainbow Spear Colony – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 4. Tyree Pink Dollar – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15 5. Teal Diamond – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15 6. Pink Lemonade Show Piece – Retail Price $500 SALE PRICE $300 7. Superman Zoas – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20/per frag 8. Star Lord – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 9. Superior Cynaria – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 10. Rainbow Rhodactis Rock – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200
  18. 681. Nuclear Toadstool Medium Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 682. Nuclear Toadstool Medium Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 683. Nuclear Toadstool Medium Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100
  19. 671. Decorated Giraffes – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $40 672. Cliffords Gorg Medium Sized – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $30 673. Army Blood – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20 674. Aussie Blastos 10 Heads Wholesale – $100 675. Aussie Blastos 10 Heads Wholesale – $100 676. ASD Leprechaun – $200 677. Show Tank Red Gorg Super Sweet Piece – $100 678. Golden Gorg Small – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20 679. Golden Gorg Medium – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $30 680. Show XL Sea Fan – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $75
  20. 661. Galaxy Doom Double – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 662. Galaxy Doom – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $40 663. Dragon Rider – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 664. Dragon Rider Large – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 665. Aussie Symphyllia Colony Wholesale – 35 666. Double Master Scoly – $1000 667. Dragon Rider Large – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 668. Cliffords Gorg Medium Sized – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $30 669. Bloody Sin Hillae Show Colony – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 670. Deep Sea Elk Horn – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50
  21. 651. Lunartastics – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15 652. Midas Ring – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15 653. Latina Lips – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20 654. Kill Shots – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 655. How Wowzers – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20 656. I Got The Blues – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $40 657. Hulking Bounce – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 658. Golden Twister Scoly – Retail Price $500 SALE PRICE $250 659. Dragon Rider Monti – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 660. Fireworks Combo – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15
  22. 641. Premium Scoly – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 642. Phoenix Flames Colony – Retail Price $500 SALE PRICE $350 643. Pac Man Dragon Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 644. Pac Man Dragon Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 645. Orange Gladiators – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15 646. Mystic Dragon Blasto Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $75 647. Mystic Dragon Blasto Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $75 648. Mystic Dragon Blasto Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $75 649. Mystic Dragon Blasto Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $75 650. Mean Girls – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15
  23. 631. Rainbow Wilsoni Full Colony – Retail Price $500 SALE PRICE $300 632. Rainbow Wilsoni Full Colony – Retail Price $500 SALE PRICE $300 633. Rainbow Wilsoni Full Colony – Retail Price $500 SALE PRICE $300 634. Radioactivity – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $10 635. Rainbow Wilsoni Full Colony – Retail Price $500 SALE PRICE $300 636. Radiant Combo – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15 637. Rainbow Wilsoni Full Colony – Retail Price $500 SALE PRICE $300 638. Rainbow Pallet – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20 639. Rainbow Tile Stars Reef Safe Hardy – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $25 ea 640. Premium Scoly – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200
  24. 621. Special Ring Wowzers – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $30 622. Smurfs Treasure – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $30 623. Silver Surfer Bounce Shroom – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 624. Silver Bounce – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 per shroom Buy 2 Get 1 Free 625. Show Tank Rainbow Phoenix – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 626. Santa Claus Decorated Giraffes Combo – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 627. Show Tank Rainbow Phoenix – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 628. Rainbow Zoa Rock Full Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 629. Rainbow Wilsoni Full Colony – Retail Price $500 SALE PRICE $300 630. Rainbow Wilsoni Full Colony – Retail Price $500 SALE PRICE $300
  25. 611. Rainbow Zoa Rock Full Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 612. Rainbow Zoa Rock Full Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 613. Rainbow Zoa Rock Full Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 614. Vivid Rainbows – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $30 615. Super Wowzers – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20 616. Thunder God – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $30 617. Uncut Supreme Wilsoni Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 618. Super Hydno – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $10 619. Super LT Plate – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 620. Sunkisser – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20 per frag
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