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Everything posted by TeamAquaSD

  1. 121. Superior Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 122. Ultra Favia Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $30 123. Superior Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 124. Superior Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 125. Superior Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 126. Ultra Chalice Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 127. Superior Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 128. Superior Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 129. Superior Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 130. Superior Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150
  2. 111. Superior Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 112. Superior Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 113. Superior Favia Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 114. Superior Favia Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 115. Ultra Favia Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 116. Superior Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 117. Superior Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 118. Superior Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 119. Superior Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 120. Superior Chalice Full Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150
  3. 101. Super Neon Rics – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20 102. Super Red Trachy – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 103. Super Orange Chip – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 104. Superior Favia Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 105. Superior Favia Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 106. Superior Favia Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 107. Superior Favia Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 108. Superior Favia Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 109. Superior Favia Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 110. Superior Favia Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150
  4. 91. Sweet Chalice Colony Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 92. Super Ricordea Jumbo Rock – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 93. Super Red Trachy – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 94. Sweet Long Tentacle Plate Pink Tips – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 95. Super Red Trachy – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 96. Super Purple Long Tentacle Anemone – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 97. Super Red Trachy – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 98. Superman Zoas – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20/per frag 99. Superman Monti Colony Super Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 100. Super Red Trachy – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50
  5. 81. Sweet Chalice Colony Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 82. Sweet Chalice Colony Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 83. Tank Hardened Goni Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $75 84. Sweet Chalice Colony Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 85. Sweet Long Tentacle Plate - Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 86. Super XL Show Piece Chalice Colony – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $250 87. Sweet Chalice Colony Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 88. Super Red Trachy – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 89. Super Red Trachy – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 90. Super Red Trachy – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50
  6. 71. Sweet Neon Rhodactis Full Colony Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $30 72. Tangerine Ring Lobo – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 73. Tank Hardened Goni Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $75 74. Tequila Palys – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20 75. Sweet Long Tentacle Plate – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 76. Sweet Chalice Colony Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 77. Timberland Lord – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15 78. Sweet Chalice Colony Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 79. Sweet Long Tentacle Plate – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 80. Sweet Chalice Colony Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50
  7. 61. Tank Raised Derasa Clam – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 62. Teal Eye Homophyllia – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 63. Tank Raised Derasa Clam – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 64. Tank Raised Maxima Clam – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 65. Teal Tenuis – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15 66. Teal Spath – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15 67. Timeless Warrior – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15 68. Toxic Apple Monti Full Colony Large – Retail Price $500 SALE PRICE $350 69. Tank Hardened Goni Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $75 70. Teal Spath – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15
  8. 51. Toxic Leopard Skin Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 52. Toxic Leopard Skin Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 53. Toxic Leopard Skin Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 54. Toxic Eyes Blasto Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 55. Ultra Favia Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $25 56. Time Splitter – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20 57. Torchlight – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20 58. The Main Event Full Uncut Colony – $1,200 59. Toxic Apple Monti Full Colony Large – Retail Price $500 SALE PRICE $350 60. Tequilas – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20
  9. 41. Ultra Favia Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $40 42. Ultra Favia Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $25 43. Triple Aussie Gold Torch – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 44. Ultra Chalice Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 45. Toxic Space Jam – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15 46. Toxic Leopard Skin Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 47. Ultra Favia Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $25 48. Toxic Tenuis – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15 49. Toxic Raptors – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $20 50. Toxic Leopard Skin Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60
  10. 31. Ultra Chalice Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 32. Ultra Gold Hammer – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $75 33. Ultra Favia Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $25 34. Ultra Chalice Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 35. Ultra Gold Hammer – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 36. Ultra Neon Elegance – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 37. Ultra Chalice Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 38. Tri-color – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15 39. Yellow Tips Aussie Elegance – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $80 40. Ultra Chalice Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50
  11. 21. Wild Sunburst Monti Colony – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 22. Ultra Favia Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $40 23. Ultra Symphyllia Wilsoni Uncut Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 24. Yellow Tips Aussie Elegance – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $80 25. Ultra Gold Hammer – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $75 26. Ultra Favia Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 27. Yellow Tips Aussie Elegance – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $80 28. Ultra Gold Hammer – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 29. Ultra Favia Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $40 30. Yellow Tips Aussie Elegance – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $80
  12. 11. Ultra Symphyllia Wilsoni Uncut Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 12. Ultra Gold Hammer – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 13. Ultra Chalice Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 14. Ultra Chalice Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 15. Wild Phoenix Full Colony – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 16. Ultra Symphyllia Wilsoni Uncut Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 17. Ultra Neon Elegance – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 18. Yellow Tips Aussie Elegance – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $80 19. Wild Phoenix Full Colony – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 20. Ultra Gold Hammer – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100
  13. 1. Zoolander Bounce – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $250 2. Yellow Tips Aussie Elegance – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $80 3. Most Insane Brightest Hillae – $1,000 4. Yellow Eye Super Lobo – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 5. White Ants Undata - Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $15 6. Wild Sunburst Monti Colony – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 7. Ultra Symphyllia Wilsoni Uncut Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 8. Ultra Symphyllia Wilsoni Uncut Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 9. Wild Phoenix Full Colony – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 10. Ultra Symphyllia Wilsoni Uncut Colony - Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150
  14. 951. Bleeding Apple Scoly – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 952. Bleeding Apple Scoly – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 953. Bleeding Apple Scoly – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 954. ASD Leprechauns 10 Heads – $1000 955. Acan Maxima – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 956. Amazing Blastos – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 957. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50
  15. 941. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $30 942. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $30 943. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $30 944. Branching Psamacora Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 945. Bleeding Apple Scoly – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $120 946. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $30 947. Bleeding Apple Scoly – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 948. Bleeding Apple Scoly – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $120 949. Bleeding Apple Scoly – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 950. Bleeding Apple Scoly – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100
  16. 931. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $30 932. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 933. Favia Sale- Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 [/COLOR] 934. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 935. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 936. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 [/COLOR] 937. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 938. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 939. Amazing Hammer – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 940. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $40
  17. 921. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 922. Green Stem Pink Birdsnest Large Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 923. Golden Temple Double – $100 924. Golden Temple Double – $100 925. Golden Temple - $50 [/COLOR] 926. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 927. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $30 928. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 929. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 930. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60
  18. 911. Hot Euphyllia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 912. Hot Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 913. Hot Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 914. Hot Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 915. Hot Euphyllia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 916. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 917. Hot Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 918. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $30 919. Favia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $30 920. Hot Acan Echinata Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75
  19. 900. Mosey Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 901. Maroon Special Duster Rock – Retail Price $50 SALE PRICE $35 902. Jubilee Double – $150 903. Imperfect Bleeding Apple – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 904. Imperfect Bleeding Apple Scoly – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 905. Hot Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 906. I Heart You Lobo – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 907. Hot Rod Goni Colony – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 908. Hot Rod Scoly – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 909. Hot Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 910. Hot Euphyllia Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60
  20. 891. Premium Chalice – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 892. Pink Lips Lobo – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 893. Phoenix Full Colony Make Your Frags – Retail Price $1000 SALE PRICE $600 894. Phoenix Full Colony Make Your Frags – Retail Price $1000 SALE PRICE $500 895. Phoenix Full Colony Make Your Frags – Retail Price $1000 SALE PRICE $600 896. Phoenix Full Colony Make Your Frags – Retail Price $1000 SALE PRICE $500 897. Phoenix Full Colony Make Your Frags – Retail Price $1000 SALE PRICE $350 898. Phoenix Full Colony Make Your Frags – Retail Price $1000 SALE PRICE $500 899. Paradise Jewel – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 900. Mosey Colony – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50
  21. 881. Potato Chip Lep – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 882. Premium Chalice – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 883. Nuclear Hammer Special North Aussie – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 884. Premium Chalice – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 885. Premium Chalice – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 886. Premium Chalice – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 887. Premium Chalice – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 888. Premium Chalice – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 889. Premium Chalice – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 890. Premium Chalice – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150
  22. 871. Rainbow Special Scoly – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 872. Premium Chalice – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 873. Rainbow Special Scoly – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 874. Rainbow Special Scoly – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 875. Radiant Rhodactis – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 ea 876. Rainbow Special Scoly – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 877. Rainbow Lord Indo – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $150 878. Rainbow Lobo – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 879. Rainbow Lobo – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $200 880. Rainbow Chalice Fat Chunk – Retail Price $500 SALE PRICE $350
  23. 861. Sun Shine Psamacora – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 862. SunGod Psammacora – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 863. Show Tank Watermelon Thick Rim Big Eyes – Retail Price $300 SALE PRICE $250 864. Reverse Bleeding Apple Scoly – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 865. Sun God Psammacora - Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $75 866. Reverse Bleeding Apple Scoly – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 867. Rare Convict Colony – Retail Price $1000 SALE PRICE $500 868. Reverse Bleeding Apple Scoly – Retail Price $200 SALE PRICE $100 869. Rare Blue Green Psammacora Make Your Frags – Retail Price $500 SALE PRICE $350 870. Rare Convict Colony - $1000
  24. 851. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 852. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 853. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $40 854. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 855. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 856. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 857. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $30 858. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $40 859. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $30 860. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $30
  25. 841. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 842. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 843. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 844. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $60 845. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 846. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 847. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 848. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 849. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50 850. Super Chalice Sale – Retail Price $100 SALE PRICE $50
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