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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Prices? Interested in the co2 tank Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. The beginning.... I still have the Candy Canes..... but none of the Others..... A few Months in...... I have most of the LPS and Softies still After a Year....... I just noticed I still have he hammer and the mushrooms too! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Ok, took out about half. Less GFO take one... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Do you think I would be ok to use less media and it work correctly and not need to use a larger reactor? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. That's 2 Cups..... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I'm have trouble figuring out flow rates and quantity for my GFO to keep up with my phosphates. I'm currently using the BRS Deluxe reactor with no filter pads. It keeps clogging and I have to turn the valve up and down a few times to get it back going again just to find it in the same situation the next time I check it. Do I have too much media? Need a bigger reactor? It's manifolded from a Mag 18. How much GFO do you use for what size tank and what kind of reactor. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Juiceman


    Any tracking info for this order. Pickup plan?
  8. Juiceman


    Payment sent! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Juiceman


    This is what I need: http://www.bulkreefsupply.com/reagents-for-hanna-alkalinity-checker.html $8.99
  10. Juiceman


    I need some AlK reagent for my Hanna checker. Anyone planing an order I can tag along on. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I still want to add a regal angelfish. You're the fish king... you think it would work out to have both? I've heard the emperors are very territorial... I'm afraid the regal will get harassed bigtime. I think the key is adding them at the same time. And I built that acclimation holder too so they can take out some aggression before them get released. It's worked pretty well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. HaHaHa! I know if have like 15 Tangs, but I want a Regal and an Emperor too!
  13. Prices Reduced, Both Ponope still available
  14. I use GE Silicone. The big thing is letting it dry first. Let it cure for at least 24 hrs to be safe and you're good!
  15. Anthias are Dither fish, meaning they are peaceful. Shouldn't be an issue to add several different kinds.
  16. I've had Lyretials, Bartletts, and Canterberry at the same time with no problems.
  17. Yeah what they said, Plus Purple fire fish aren't super hardy as it is, and it was probably more stressed than anything.
  18. I was gonna guess Valida for the bottom one. Hard to tell
  19. Flukes look like that, a fresh water dip would take care of that for you.
  20. It can be intimidating. First thing you need to do is get with your Water provider and find out if they use Chlorine or Chloramines. This will determine what type of RO system you need. After than, determine if you need the extra Chloramine Carbon block or not, then you can go from there. I have a 4 Stage System Booster Pump to raise my Water pressure through the system A solinoid (to shut the pump off when my resivoir is full) An auto Shutoff system from BRS (Works with the soliniod) A flush kit (to get rid of old waste prior to each use) and a pressure gauge (to watch if I need to change out filters or membranes) could be spelling some of those wrong but you get the idea
  21. I was going through DI resin like crazy, until I got the Flush kit from BRS. It lasts forever now! Totally worth it. Also make sure the first minute or so you don't send the water through the DI stage until it has a chance to drop the TDS to below 10 or so. I missed the last part, about not sending the first bit to the DI stage. Thanks Juiceman, I'll give that a try. I need to start making a LOT of water for the new tank. Depending on your water source, the first minute or more of Water is very high TDS, and it will deplete the DI VERY FAST! I haven't had to replace my DI in probably a Year. I have noticed that with the meter, it is super high in the beginning. I should have thought to do that myself!! My end result was 0 DTS, but I've used a large amount of resin over the last year $$$. Again thanks for pointing that out! I have a T in the line before the DI stage that T's to a Ball Valve. I open it and let the water go into a Jug until the TDS from the Membrane goes under 10 TDS. Then I shut the Valve and let it go through the DI stage. I give that RO water to the Dogs, since it's still pretty filtered. Been loving the savings!
  22. I was going through DI resin like crazy, until I got the Flush kit from BRS. It lasts forever now! Totally worth it. Also make sure the first minute or so you don't send the water through the DI stage until it has a chance to drop the TDS to below 10 or so. I missed the last part, about not sending the first bit to the DI stage. Thanks Juiceman, I'll give that a try. I need to start making a LOT of water for the new tank. Depending on your water source, the first minute or more of Water is very high TDS, and it will deplete the DI VERY FAST! I haven't had to replace my DI in probably a Year.
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