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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. What, no Clown Tang? Didn't make it through QT.... But I tried!
  2. Speaking for the guy that avoids the Tang Police,.... I have currently Yellow Tang Purple Tang Sailfin Tang Yellow Belly Hippo Tang Chocolate Tang Sohal Tang Achilles Tang Powder Blue Tang Blonde Naso Tang Magnificent Foxface All in the same tank. I will eventually add a Black Tang
  3. Is there anyone in town that carries Hanna Reagent refills

    1. FarmerTy


      Nope, but if you need a bottle to hold you over, let me know.

    2. Kevin S.

      Kevin S.

      Sounds like a drug deal. lol

    3. Richard L

      Richard L

      Amazon Prime $7.58 for Alk w/ 2 day delivery

  4. The funny thing is that the corals I lost were very common easy SPS. I lost Blue digi, Green Birdsnest, Green Seratopora, pink Birdsnest, Forest fire digi, Cali tort. Pocillapore. Montipora All other acros, milles, etc doing great and growing...... Even the red planet nub that I've have for like 2 years is finally growing..... It's weird Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. The package says it treats 300 gallons for the whole Liter container. I put in 1 cup from it which is about 1/8 of a Liter. My system is 340ish gallons so hopefully that's a good amount to pull it down gently Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Placed a filter bag with 1 cup of Phosguard. Will test each day until it reaches .01-.03 and then remove. Should allow the GFO to catch up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I also think the dying SPS played a factor in the phosphate issues Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. And did I mention that my LPS and Softies look great! ........ Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Well, put a fresh Cup of GFO in the reactor and tuned in the Very Light Tumble. Also switched the nossile on my Bio Pellet reactor. It had an induction nossile on it that kept getting clogged. Put a regular Loc Line nossile on it. Seems like it does the trick Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I don't respond to the Hanna CA reading. Its noted several places online to be no good. Thus why I started using Red Sea. which is reading at 480 at the most.
  11. I should also add that all that work I did with Hydraulic Cement has been a fail. Almost every Unnaturally stacked piece has broken.
  12. I have some Phosguard, should I get it dropped down first, then Maintain with GFO? Maybe the issue is that the GFO could never drop it, just maintain it?
  13. The Solenoid isn't even a year old..... And I actually still have the old one that didn't have any issues.. haha. The Regulator was the issue previously. Suggestions on a new GFO reactor?
  14. I try to keep it at 7.00 with the coral having issues my Alk started rising due to not being used. I have a fail safe in my Apex to let me know odd Ph changes. I've been noticing that my solenoid has been not opening when turned to the "on" position at times. Usually I have to turn the switch off and on again and it will start working correctly. I don't know if the APEx is the issue or the solenoid itself. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. A rough update but this is where I'm at right now...... Trying to pinpoint what cause a lot of issues with my SPS. Ironically it really only affected my Largest Colonies.... *That MG at the top should read 1475* Here's a log of my parameters. I suspect my phosphates and Alk to be the issue as I've been fighting with my GFO reactor and my Solenoid on the CARX. What do you guys think? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Its fed from a mag12 pump thats mani folded. Don't think the pump is the issue
  17. I would say yes, Was it eating at the fish store?
  18. I turned the flow down yesterday. That's the issue though is not being able to put any water through for it to be worth it. It's a 300g + system. Surely I need more than a trickle coming out of the rectors for it to keep up.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Yeah Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. BRS recommends not to use the pads Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. It's in that. Came with it. Just without the foam pads Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Why do you think that's the issue? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Ok, maybe not so great.... Notice the difference in the level of the GFO. I haven't taken any out Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. As far as I can tell, it's working great! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Here's a vid when I was going waay too fast! Dinoflagellates!
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