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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. I currently am in a home so no structural issues since its on a slab. When I was in an apartment, I consulted the Apartment complex itself and learned that the apartments had condo grade concrete floors, so there was no issue of weight on the floor. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Yes, I'm running my regular GFO also. As far as I can tell, the GFO maintains it, it's just not dropping it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Normal Computer Battery backup will be good for most people. I use the Vortech Battery backup, but that's more on the pricey side for non big tanks.
  4. I also sent this out before the weather decided to go nuts. That it pretty far right now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I use Red Sea salt and I just ran out. I won't be able to get any until next week. My Powder Blue has stopped eating and is starting to look bad, I'd like to move him to QT and medicate him but I don't have enough water here for a Water change to have water for the QT. Anyone need to do a water change today so I can bring my buckets an take the water from you? I need about 15 gallons or more.
  6. Not really seeing a change in phosphate. Added some more Phosguard to the bag. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Picked up a cleaner wrasse today. My Achilles and Powder Blue ran each other ragged until they were covered in Ich. Still Easton fluke pigs and fat, but just want to help them out. He's only been in the tank for 5 mins and already going to town! https://vimeo.com/128650299 They're not giving him any down time right now, I wonder if I should have gotten 2 of them?
  8. I know. I need to change it but unfortunately I have to run the lights back to BML. They swapped channels on one fixture so when I turn on channel 1, I get one fixture white and one fixture blue. I can fix it at the solunar module by moving cables but when I told BML they asked me to run them back so they can "Reeducate" the builders and fix it. It was a mistake and they want to make it right. And they gave me a little incentive too. They have been great to work with. They are very good about customer service. If you need more light, a 20K XB and 12K 6' fixture will be up for sale from me soon....
  9. You're going to want to get a contractor or structural engineer to come and tell you what it can handle.
  10. Those rubber feet of the BML fixtures are facing the wrong direction, in case you didn't fix it already.
  11. 5/19 Alk - 8.45 Po4 - .12 Hmmmm. Did I release a bunch of effluent when I cleaned my carx yesterday.
  12. Worked like a charm! Thanks sir! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I'm confused by your question. Like an external overflow, or just a regular overflow? Either way, if your power goes out, only what is to the line of your overflow will go to your sump.
  14. I use the same. Red Sea for Ca, MG, Potassium Hanna for ALK, Po4 I've also used Salifert for ALK and Potassium. Salifert is very understandable and easy to read also. Very Simple
  15. I have plenty more if yal want some Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I have the 20K XB if you want to see it in person btw Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Btw, anyone know why they don't fill up all the way? Or how to get them to? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. After seeing the BRS video about Carbon on Friday, I saw the difference running it in a reactor vs a media bag was. So Pham hooked me up with a used Dual reactor. Uses the same tubing as my previous setup so it was a sinch to hook up. Also did some spring cleaning of my CARX media and added more. May 13 test showed Alk - 7.05 Po4 - .09 So we're moving in the right direction. I did a 20g water change [emoji33], and turned back on the CARX. More po4 reagent comes in tomorrow so I'll test again then. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Sour apple Seratopora for sure Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I have seen his before when I bought a setosa from him. Still have it too!
  21. I've reached out to Sam and Olaggie and I'm going to go see their setups in person. Good news is I still have a long while until the funds are available to do anything.
  22. I should also say that the mounts of this kit are toggle based. I tried it in just the drywall and almost had a catastrophie, luckily I was still holding the fixture and it didn't fall in the tank. That's when the Home Depot guy suggested the Wood Idea. It is toggled on the other side of the wood, and the wood is bolted into the studs of the ceiling, which you definitely have, you probably need to use a stud finder.
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