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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. I know Ty has a 100g bin, you can borrow 100g bins from River City also. I have a 29 I use for QT if you don't get ahold of anyone that you could borrow.
  2. Don't do It! [emoji48] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Did a 30 Gallon Water Change yesterday! [emoji33] Also switched GFO to high capacity, calibrated the PH probes, and switched out the RO profilters. Probably going to do another Water change early next week
  4. He was a lot of help when I had my issue also. Hope all works out Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I will help rehome some Coral! I could even help you out with some 6' LED strips from BML later this summer! staying tuned can't help with those tangs, I already have one of each of those.
  6. It's a big cap, but still..... Either way I'm not finding the source of the phosphates..., Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Sold Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I was just reading about biopellets, I wonder if my tumble might have been too strong, with the recent change, they are at a nice easy tumble with no dead spots.... Maybe that was an issue... My pellets were being blown to hell before
  9. True, but I add 6 capfuls fir my volume, not such a tiny vile...?
  10. Microbacter tested .08 for phosphate Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I do zeobak based on the zeo methodology, I dose bacter based on a totm I saw on reef central that said they alternated between the 2
  12. Hmm, I don't understand why my phosphates go up and down. I dosed Microbacter last night. Am I adding phosphates when I dose that. I started alternating between Microbacter and Zeobak about 3 Months ago..... Which is right when all this mess started..... Could the Microbacter be a source? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Just split! Easy to get to. Pm or text is best Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Open the box and turn the knob to max, and see if it helps. There was a time were my pump would only run for a few seconds, I bought a new pump and everything went back to normal. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. The pump could be going out. I've had that issue before. Tunze is in town if you want to call them. He may be of better help. They have replacement pumps at Aquatek.
  16. I have the green and peach toadstools if you'd like pieces. I'll cut very generous portions for $20 each. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. With the nitrates showing up in the tests, I'm focusing on the bio pellets.... I know I had trouble with them clogging and not tumbling a few times, and it's also lower in volume than usual. I moved the inlet tube further down in the reactor to push water closer to the bottom, and I also added more pellets to bring the volume back up. I'll test every few days and see if the level starts dropping. I'm also manually dosing Alk for a bit to get my calcium down. Once it's where it should be I'll turn the CARX back on. I'm ordering salt today so I'll do a 30-35 gallon water change later this week also to help move things along. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I will be placing the order this evening if anyone else wants to hop on, lmk! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. No one needs anything?! I guess I'll pickup up some things I "don't" need..... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Over the last 6 months I've had.... 4-5 Fish die behind the rocks somewhere 3-4 large SPS colonies Die, 5-6 small SPS colonies Die Sump redo Bryopsis (and killing of said Bryopsis with Tech-M, which is the suspect of the raised Salinity) Cyano in the 60G Bio Pellet Reactor Clogged 3 Pumps not running Skimmer overflew onto the floor 4 times In the words of Danny Glover, "It has not been a nice day!" I think everything is beginning to move in the right direction, just needs to stabilize back out again. The funny part is I've had more growth out of my Red Planet, Blue Mille, Purple Stylo, and a few other SPS than ever!
  21. I need Salt, and some more reagents. I'm only at $92.97 anyone else need anything so I can get to free shipping?
  22. No, I dose potassium and iodine. That's about it. The occasional zeo food, but nothing crazy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Nitrate test shows exactly the same number. ~.50 nuts! I wonder where those came from?! I moved 5 gallons of tank water into the QT and added 5 Gallons of RODI water to start working on bringing the salinity down. It's at 37 ppm this morning. I'll add some more tomorrow, don't want to bring it down too fast. I dose bacteria on Sunday's and Thursday's and I hadn't dosed before the sample, maybe I'll check it again tomorrow and see if it catches up with the normal bacteria dose, otherwise, idk maybe a good water change is in my future..... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Calibrate your stuff regularly guys...... My refractometer has been telling me my tank was sitting right at 35ppm for months..... Ty tested it and it showed 39ppm....!? I calibrated my refractometer and sure enough, it read the solution wrong.. I've just got wrong things all over the place! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. May 27 Alk - 6.77 Po4 - .08 Moving in the right direction. Turned on the co2 for the CARX Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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