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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. 6' t5 doesn't exist 5' is the biggest they make Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Rods is great. And regular mysis and pe mysis in the sheet packs are good. I'd stay away from cubed foods. Look at the ingredients to be safe.
  3. I have one from Tim ( Wizard) cool coral! GLWS
  4. I'm currently using 6' BML fixtures which spread fine. I figure the 3 3' t-5s should be fine with a little space in the center between them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I have a 7' tank, so I doubt the 5' fixture would be enough for the corals on the ends of the tank.
  6. Let me tell you why I would go with the regular T-5 fixture. 1.) proven results: We've all seen spectacular SPS reefs under ATI T-5 fixtures. 2.) Price: it's more than $1000 cheaper than the hybrid. 3.) didn't look very different: I saw Ol'aggies tank in person and the LEDs weren't very bright even at their highest output. Now Let me say why I would get the Hybrid. 1.) Customizability : I can make almost any color combination I want out of the t-5 available bulbs and LED. 2.) controllability: Ramps, intensities, Combos you name it. 3.) keep the shimmer : I will lose the shimmer if I go all t-5 4.) Intensity : I can have higher par with all t-5 and LEDs together. I have said in the past that I never want to skimp on equipment again. I have spent waaay too much money on lights compromising instead of getting the (best). Now the best will always be opinion based, but if you can't buy the lights from main retail stores, hmmmm.
  7. Ok guys, time for you to chime in! I'm going to make a lighting purchase during the 4th of July sales. The question is which one?! I'm looking at the ATI T-5/Led Hybrid http://www.aquacave.com/36-ati-powermodule-light-fixture-2x75w-led-8x39w-t5.html Or the ATI Dimmable T-5 Module http://www.aquacave.com/36-8x39w-dimmable-ati-sunpower-t5-high-output-light-fixture-w-controller.html I will be purchasing 2 3' fixtures for my tank. That presents the next problem..... How to hang them. This is my current setup. I'm thinking either to connect the ATI modules to the current hanging kit, or Drill new holes in the mounting wood and mount them on their own. The problem is where that AC vent is will cause me not to possibly be able to put the right module exactly where it needs to be. I'm trying to look up the specs on where the brackets are but I may not be able to plan until I get them here. Also I I purchase the regular ATI t-5 and not the hybrid, I planned on keeping the BML Actinic for moonlight and dusk, etc so that will present another installation issue. So Which module and how to hang?
  8. Juiceman's sump version 3.0 Also put a silicone mat on each return pump to help with noise. We'll see how it goes Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I'm selling Nepthea neon green. Not sure if they can attach to it though Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Got called into work so I'll be placing earlier. Got one person on board, anyone else? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Placing a BRS order by noon. I'm already at free shipping. Let me know if you need anything. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. So the new added filters were causing the water level to rise in the skimmer section, which causes the skimmed to overflow. So I had to look for another solution. So I moved the filter grate to before the live rock section of the sump. Now the water will be mechanically filtered before its biologically filtered. Hopefully this is the final change to my sump setup. I'm thinking of adding some silicone pads around the return pumps (which I'm going to clean while they're off for a few days) so that I can remove some noise. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Please note that the ones I'm selling frags of are on the top right. The smaller colonies are not for sale. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. My umbrella leathers and my Nepthea are growing out of the water. I need to trim them. $20 will get you a very generous portion of whichever you'd like. It's the 2 largest Umbrellas and the Nepthea is top right. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Does it get hairy or does it stay short like that? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Keep me posted, the next 3 days are going to be nuts for me, so I need to be able to plan when to come by, or may have to send someone.
  17. Alk - 7.28 Po4 - .07 Na - 3 Ca - 450 It would appear that everything is moving in the right direction other than nitrate. Hmmm Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Hard to see, but what I did was stuff some filter pads before the live rock area. This is one night of filtering! Look at all that crap! It was white when I put it there. And all of that would have settled under my live rock. I also gravel siphoned the 60 which I hadn't done since I set up. So another 30 gal water change in the books Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. That's the plan, I'm going to start the water change from there. Going to turn off the returns before I start.
  20. I don't see any other instructions so I think it's just the regular one. I'm planing on doing another water change tonight after Band rehearsal. I have one more Idea on something to try. I have Detrius collecting under my Live Rock in the Sump, so I'm planning on trying to add a foam filter before the Live rock section. I'm planning on pulling the rock out and siphoning out as much detrius as I can, then sloshing the rock in a bucket of water to get excess stuff off before putting it back in.
  21. Also still surprised I have nitrates... When my biopellets should be knocking those waaay down. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Still reading the same stuff.... Hmm I am adding Alk solution each night based on the BRS calculator to keep its around 7.5 Just for my own happiness, I tested my RO water for Po4 and it came up 0. I currently have Phosguard and High Capacity GFO running and it's still not dropping the PO4. Did I mention I turned off the auto feeder last week?! Any ideas what else could be causing it? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Give him time and he'll accept almost anything. For now try the frozen food you have and keep the Nori coming. I feed Rod's Food, Mysis, PE Mysis, and Krill, along with Nori and Pellets, he eats it all.
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