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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Well, I've got one of mine working after a thorough cleansing today. The other wouldn't come back on. I even tried some American ingenuity and banged it on something..... Still nothing. So now, should I pick up one WP25 to replace it or get 2 RW8 and replace both...? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. That's where I'm torn. Buy a few to replace them, and replace them again next year or get a different pump entirely Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I have 3 WP25s that I use to fill dead spots. After some investigating, I discovered they weren't running. I cleaned them thoroughly and plugged them back in. Still nothing. They're about a year old, maybe 1.5 years. Anyone else have issue with their WPs not lasting long? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I currently have B+, P+, B+, C+, LEDs, ABS, B+, C+, B+ I think I'm sticking with it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Test results for today: Alk - 7.59 Po4 - .02! Na - 30........ I replaced the GFO 3 days ago and filled the 2nd chamber of the dual reactor with GFO instead of carbon. I think it made a difference. The question becomes, keep it online until it reads 0 or turn it off? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. And it could die 3 weeks later..... Nope. I'm good Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I've thought about it. I don't really care for them. I'm going to get a Black Tang though! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. He likes to dig under stuff and ends up moving smaller stuff. Otherwise he's good. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Test results for today. Alk - 7.56 Po4 - .09 Na - 30 Ca - 440 I'm currently dosing 48 drops of vodka everyday split between morning and night. It's not doing anything for the nitrates yet. And the biopellets aren't doing anything either. Maybe I have a really bad dead spot somewhere that's just leaching the crap out of nitrates. I'll do another water change soon and see if I can find anything. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. It's amazing how easy it was with the right tools Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Never had any issues that I know of out of my Linkia's Id say the patches were dying already and he cleaned them?
  12. 1.) pink and Green Pocillapore 2.) Ponape Birdsnest 3.) Sour Apple Seratopora 4.) Green Acans.... haha 5.) Neon Green Acro 6.) Cali Tort? 7.) Purple Poylped Birdsnest 8.) Pink Birdsnest or Hyancinth Birdsnest Hope this helps. If no one takes the Green acro and Cali Tort, I'll come get them Friday for you.
  13. OK, The Vortech Quiet drive upgrade. It's very easy to follow. And I entered them all into my APEX fine. I messed up my WXM Module when I updated it's firmware so I'm just using the ecotech modes until I get that back. OK first video is the Pump with the regular Driver. I have it pulsing up to 100% It's hard to hear at the beginning but you get a decent recording closer to the end. Now Here's the video with the Quiet Drive Upgrade... It's hard to tell it's on. I never noticed how loud my Return Pumps and Skimmer were! I guess dampening them is my next project.
  14. I have 4 pairs of Build My LED tank mounts. $15 retail. $5 for each Pair Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Well I have an extra hanging set up now. Should I hang the LEDs for the 60g? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Jim, those quick release fittings are the same one's that Ocean Revive uses on their Artic T247 LED. They work awesome and raising, lowering, and leveling fixtures is a cinch. Yeah, it's the same I had before. You just pull the cord to raise, and push the top of the connector to lower. Very easy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Hanging was a little tricky only because I didn't have a big enough drill bit for the holes, So that took a bit to make them big enough using a smaller bit. Otherwise I used my same 1x4 mount in the ceiling and toggle bolts that came with the fixtures. I've still got some leveling to do, and toying with bulb combos, but overall the lights are VERY bright and vibrant. It gives the tank a very crisp clean look compared to the Build My Leds. When you run the demo mode, it shows you tons of combos of LED you can use, Endless possibilities! I'm exited to see what comes!
  18. The Unboxing! The Ballast is Beasty, but very light surprisingly. It Includes Handing assembly, power cords, and USB cords to hook it up to your computer for programming. From what i've read, there have been issues of the Light Cover bending over time, I guess this is the new model that stops that. Overall build is very solid and sleek. The hanging Wires are build into the fixture. My only complaint so far is that the screws don't quite match up once I put bulbs in. I'm going to do some more tinkering to see if I put it in wrong possibly.
  19. I'm running the LEDs at less than 50%. But the t-5 have to be at 100% for burn in. So I'm only keeping them on for 5 hours a day for a bit. Then ramping up to regular time. Thoughts Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I'll do a full good camera update tomorrow but ........... They look +}>^?~£<+{_ awesome! Here's a crappy iPhone pic for the time being: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Ups screws up again! I requested on Wednesday for my lights be held at UPS so I could pick them up this morning instead of waiting around all day. They put the request in for only one package instead of all 6 packages under the same tracking. So instead of pulling all six when they saw the mistake, they put all 6 on the truck instead. Now I won't be home for delivery because he won't deliver until 7 tonight...... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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