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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. What did you use in the QT? My understanding is that if there was ever any medication used in the tank, it seeps into the Silicone which can seep back out again. So if you used any Copper or other harsh medications, it will not be able to be re purposed for Coral.
  2. My gfo is running with less media. I'm showing .03 ppm phosphate. Figure it's pretty safe? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Soooo...... Been thinking My nitrates have read the same thing for the past 4-5 months despite all the cleaning, water changes, bacteria etc. So my bio pellets are at least maintaining them where they are, so should I add more to drop them? I'm using what's recommended for 200 g, I have a 320 ish net gallon system with tons of Tangs. Thoughts?! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. 90 and 75 both have the same footprint, the 90 is just taller. I'd say 90 if your budget allows. Bigger is always easier to maintain. only drawback is it's hard to reach things at the bottom.
  5. Took the words right out of my mouth. what he said
  6. From what I understand. Corals don't literally take up the MG. MG is used more so to help maintain Alk. I would bet maybe you're skimming it out? Maybe someone else can chime in, but I've never had issues with dropping MG and I don't dose it at all. I have used TechM and BRS MG so maybe its the mixture you're using also?
  7. Haha! It is the economy size Thera pellets! Got it on eBay! Way cheaper in the long run vs buying smaller sets every few months.As far as I could tell. My system was fine. This is just for redundancy. If anything was to get through the first Carbon stage, the 2nd is a lower micron, then if anything was to get the first DI stage as it gets used up, the second stage knocks it out. Also this means I won't need an upgrade if I eventually move somewhere that uses chloramines. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Prompted by the recent BRS video about RODI systems, I decided to upgrade. I currently use a 4 stage system with 1 sediment and carbon stages, RO stage, and 1 DI stage. I purchased a new double DI stage to install, and will use my current single DI stage as my sediment stage. I will begin a dual Carbon stage also with the current sediment cartridge repurposed. Look at my sophisticated schematic! Final Unit Mount And final product pending some wire organization This is all more so for peace of mind for my product water to be as pristine as possible. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Going to a lfs today if no one takes it?! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Need this gone! Who wants it?! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. 1 sold Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I have 2 Sherman bubble tip anemones that finally moved where I could get them. They are both the same size, the left one is just closed because I just pulled it off the rock. $50 each Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. So far it didn't help at all. I'm going to test again tomorrow Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Per my conversation with Ty, I pulled some of the GFO out of the reactor. The thought is I'm pulling too much Phosphate out and the Nitrating Bacteria can't reproduce without it. Did that yesterday, and Dosed some more TLC this morning. I'll do a test today when I get home and see what it looks like.
  16. Maybe I'm ignorant. What's it called, and why is it worth $200+?
  17. Well..... Replaced 2 WP25s with new RW-8s. They work great! One started a Wave in my 7' tank! Geez. Got the new pump replacement from Tunze for the ATO Running my CARX again since my calcium is finally where it should be And Good news and bad news......... My Phosphates are 0!!!!!!! But I still have 40ppm+ Nitrates.... [emoji35] I can't think of anything else to do. My last thing I could think of is doing some TLC treatments like I used to from good ol' fishy business. Worked great for me in the beginnings of my reefing days for Nitrates. Here's hoping...!
  18. The pump for my Tunze osmolater stopped pulling water last night. Took it by Tunze here in town, he took one look at it, told me what was wrong. He didn't have any replacements in stock so he opened the box of a full setup to give me a replacement pump. Stress free customer service! Thanks Tunze Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Yes and yes Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I need help all. My Nepthea is too big. I cut full stalks for $20. You may even get 2 stalks out of it! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Is the one you have ATI hybrid also Cathman? That woukd be a good trade for you guys!
  22. Cool. I pulled the trigger on 2 RW-8 pumps. We'll see how they are. Worst case, I'll use them in another way. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I was going to make a trip out to Aquadome to get a wp25 for 70 but if the RW turns to the side too, I'll just order that instead. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Man, waaay cheaper through them. Neon, can you turn the head on the RW to the side like you can with the WP? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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