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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. pm'd on SPS, Orange Shoulder and Hippo Tangs
  2. didn't hear from anyone so the order has already been placed
  3. I'm placing a BRS order for Carbon and HC GFO today already at free shipping. If you need anything or would like to split the cost of the HC GFO with me, let me know.
  4. Sorry Ty....... Haha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Some update pics and some nice growth already! New Emporer Angel I picked up during the Fishy Business Sale Sohal starting to get some nice color Red Coris Wrasse getting it's adult colors Desumeri Tang getting some nice colors (sorry Ty) haha Undata from Jeremy (Hard to get a nice pic) Maybe this thing will turn pink one day..... Northern Lights from Fishy Biz Purple Stylo from Ty Nasuta Purple Meridiana Juiceman's Blue Acro Nasuta Fishy Biz Cali Tort Roscoes Blue Acro (From Tim) Mariculture from Dallas Palmers Blue Mille Shortcake from Ty The nub of Juiceman's blue acro turned into it's own colony Fishy Biz Neon Acro Things are going well, trying to clean up some pumps and tune the CARX to keep the ALK stable.
  6. Flex PVC is very hard to work with. FYI. It's super hard to bend in any way other than what it already is. Just a heads up
  7. I bought some from BRS a long time ago. Only place I ever found it. If you don't find any in town, they have it for sure
  8. Yeah. Turned on the carx. I'll test each day and dial it into the right ph, and I'm back in business Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. You'd have really crappy PE if you had them. Red bugs don't hurt the coral directly, they just stop it from eating basically.
  10. Post this in the BML sponsor forum. They replace them there for a certain price per LED
  11. I want one! Not that big though
  12. Tested out at 1.024 digital and manual.....
  13. If you want to bring some water to me or Ty, we can test it for you. definitely a good investment for a refractometer
  14. Depending on what you end up doing, some people find it easier to use like flexible pool tubing or similar. There's nothing like organized coordinated pvc though Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. If you can stay away from large sections of flex pvc it would be best.... I hated trying to make it work with the natural curl from being spooled. You can use small sections of it to make awkward angles work better but don't plan to use it for long distances, it's a pain Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. After that, I'd try using a different outlet on your EB8, might have a bad one. (has happened to me before also)
  17. check the connection on the power supply and then the dimmer connection itself. I had trouble and would have to jiggle mine sometimes to get them to connect correctly.
  18. I quarantine most fish I get depending on where I get them from. If its from a store, I quarantine for a bit each time, if it's from a persons tank, generally you're safe. Some people just do a freshwater dip on each fish prior to adding them. It really depends on the initial appearance and health of the fish in question.
  19. You bringing all that goodness to the swap Saturday Juiceman? I have a Marching Festival this weekend.....
  20. I have lots of GSP, Shrooms for free or cheap. I also have hammer and frogspawn that I can cut if you'd like. $10 a head
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