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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. whats that? oh, is that the dottyback?
  2. Want to do an update on my Black Friday Live Aquaria Order ORA Green Planet (Not part of the order but just logging my Roscoe's Blue) ORA Red Planet Green Goniapora Yellow Frogspawn from Pham I ordered 7 Females and one Marshall Island Male... received 4 Females, 2 turning to male, and one Marshall Island FTS's
  3. Planning on placing final order Tuesday. If you want something Lmk and he'll pull it off the sote Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Not yet! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. How do you get an Ionic Imbalance? I don't understand
  6. He said he has another for the $155 if you want it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I will ask. I've been talking to him directly
  8. Did I mention they come with a 7 Day guarantee?!
  9. I'm going to be ordering a Black Tang through http://www.picturesqueaquatics.com/ Shipping is a flat rate of $60 so if anyone sees something they like, let me know and I'll add you on so shipping would be cheaper per person, IE $30 each with 2 people, $20 each with 3 people, etc. I'd have them delivered to my house next Thursday so I can be home to receive them. They have some cool stuff and a lot of WYSWYG
  10. UPS strikes again! They put my lyretails on the "wrong" truck this morning...... So I got one box on time and one that wasn't going to be delivered until 9 tonight........ I had to go meet the driver at 4:00 to get them. Lucky only 1 DOA so far. Acclimating now Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Looks like it's just upside down. Don't try to get it to be where "you" want it. Let it find where "it" wants to be. Leave your pumps and lights on however they will normally be.
  12. I feed my fish every 2-3 days and I have 3 already. No problems Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Saw this Black Friday deal on Live aquaria so I had to jump on it. ordered 7 females and 1 Maldives Male. Here's hoping I get some good ones. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. So I ordered some BRS Ca to make some buffer, and used the Calculator, Says I need 204 OZ to get it back to 420ppm! geez I'm thinking to add a gallon of solution to the RODI top off water to let it get added throughout the week. Thoughts? Also my reagent for my ALK ran out so I busted out the new one, test came out as 11.06....... thats a 4.5 raise from the last measurement and I only lowered the PH of the Reactor by .02........ This leads me to believe that once my ALK tests start reading low I should go ahead and break out the new ones from now on! Anyone have this also happen everytime you refill reagent?
  15. Ran All my tests the other day ALK: 6.66 Ca: 230? - kinda makes sense because I've been turning off my CO2 to let the Alk level out. Po4: 0 Na: 0 Mg: 1600 SG: 1.026
  16. Not sure, has a wooden block for the dry side.If it's the type o think it is, they're labeled fish type for strength. I.e. Hammerhead, piranha, great white.. Any of that sound familiar?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I will check tonight when I get home. It's an algae free piranha, works on glass or acrylic 1/4" or 3/8", it sales for $50-$60 new. Ok, it's exactly what I thought it was. I'll take it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Not sure, has a wooden block for the dry side. If it's the type o think it is, they're labeled fish type for strength. I.e. Hammerhead, piranha, great white.. Any of that sound familiar? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. What kind of Magnet cleaner is it? Interested
  19. My thought was overall health as well. The other thing you have to incorporate for T-5 is annual bulb replacement Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. I've been seeing you like some posts from a few years ago! Haha I was giving you time to figure it out! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. I was in your same position a month or so ago, I honestly don't think you can go wrong either way. I ended up going the Powermodule route due to how consistently they produce good coloration and growth rates. I also like the shimmer they produce, its not as overbearing as some LED only option are. The biggest draw back for me so far is how heavy the units are. I'm having to beef up my canopy to mount them in there. Go see some in person! Best way to make a decision. Roy us running gen1 Radions. Richard is running them also I believe. I went around town looking at different lighting in person before I made my decision. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. You can tell that the camera can't really figure out how to handle the brightness difference between the settings. There's no glare in person obviously.... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Correct, I had to go to Office Depot and get a USB extension so I can sit about 8' from the tank and tinker with settings. You'd be surprised how hard it was to find a long one when I got these. The one that comes with it is about 4' I thinkSent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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