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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. All pending Wesley Daniels Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. For sale is a 6 headed Forgapawn $25 - Pending Wesley Daniels And Neon Green Candy Canes I'm going to Keep one take your pick of the top or bottom one $20 - Pending Wesley Daniels Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I fragged the Toadstools for myself... I asked Shane at fishy business about the Toadstool bases and if they'll grow on their own, he said absolutely! So I have a Yellow Toadstool Base, Peach Toadstool, and Lone Star Toadstool Base if you want them! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. The Sherman's are separated and ready for homes! The Rock is 67.8 Lbs not including the Nepthea Rock Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Ok... Sooo..... The plan is.... Shut down the 60... Frag all the tops of the Toadstools and place them in the 200 on new rocks... Putty the Torch and Frogspawn to new base rocks Transfer clowns, puffer, and Flame... After the Clam is gone. Purchase new cabinet for ATO reservoir. Route Chiller outside through the window... Chiller will be in a dog house outside next to the house. Gain access to the back of the tank! Now how to do all that..... Time will tell... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I'm going to frag the tops of the toadstools and leave the bases... Idk if they'll regrow or not. When I googled it or said yes but I'm not sure. I'm keeping the tops. Sherman's are about 3" across maybe a little more. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. 30" Build My LED 14K 75 deg optics - $100
  8. I'm shutting down my 60g Tank and am Keeping the Porcupine puffer which has a taste for Clams. I've had this guy for 3 years The Iphone 6+ is in the pic for Size Reference $150 $125 takes it home. You'll need a large container or bucket!.
  9. You know what I didn't think about was the flame Angel... He's been a good citizen so far in the 60.... Maybe he makes the cut into the 200..? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Been giving serious thought to shutting down the 60g and just focusing on the 200. I would for sure keep the Umbrellas, the Torch and the Frogspawn. Clowns would come as well. The questionables are the puffer, foxface, and yellow Tang. Putfer likes clams so it's the Clam or the Puffer.. I have a Magnificent Foxface in the 200 so Idk about putting another.. 2 Yellow Tangs... Idk Thoughts? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Just want to do some comparison shots from the initial T-5 addition to now Juiceman's Blue Acro 1 Juiceman's Blue Acro 2 Palmer's Blue Mille Rainbow Nasuta Now these next 2 are growth and Color Change: Clint's Pink Tipped Acro Northern Lights Nasuta Roscoe's Blue Acro started RTN'ing so it turned into this: I was discussing with Ty one of the additives from Zeovit I used called ZeoSpur2. It's designed to Lighten the tissue of the Acros by causing them to release some of their zooxanthellae. The color change Pictures or form this additive. Yes my parameters and good and yes my lights are great, but this current look is cause by ZeoSpur which I dose every few weeks. NOT FOR ANYONE WITH UNHEALTHY CORAL OR UNSTABLE PARAMETERS!!!
  12. That's the only thing that sucks about our hobby is resale value of equipment and livestock. It's like buying a car..... As soon as you leave the lot it loses value. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Yeah. I thought it was Ty when you said you found someone,.... Lol Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. You may also want a gate/ball valve on the right/ or both returns. The water will take the path of least resistance, so you may have uneven flow through each return. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Well I can possibly help as well. It would have been hard for me to go everyday, but if someone's committed but has a conflict one day, let me know. Glad to help if I can. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Where are you located Dan? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Oh i saw that. That's the glass one.... Ever since one shattered on me in a mixing bin, never again. Titanium only! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Where did you find it in stock on Amazon? I looked before picking it up! Apparently it's discontinued. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. After reading reviews and pricing out some different scenarios, went with the same brand I still have. I've had my current ViaAqua titanium heater for 5 years and have never had an issue. Gonna add this one as well with the same settings, hopefully keeps the temp a little more stable. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. There's a 500w finnex but apparently all the bad reviews for the finnex heaters on BRS are from the 500w model. I think I'm steering clear of that one Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I didn't think about the chiller as a fail safe. Plus o didn't know how to setup the alarm system on the apex back then so that's another fail safe. I don't have the ATIs plugged into the apex since they have their own timer, but I don't have a canopy either so I don't think they'd contribute to a problem. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. I thought about that. My heater outlet got stuck in the On position about a year ago, luckily the internal controller was set to 77 so it didn't cook my tank. I'm worried about buying a heater without that fail safe. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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