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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. I just surfed your build looking for pictures. didn't find any.
  2. I've seen Isaac use a powder coated steel frame to remove his braces... I thought about trying to Remove the Large glass brace and replace with 3-4 small braces spread throughout the tank. Then maybe making an acrylic Euro Brace that would fit around the tank.... IDK
  3. Ok guys.... I hate my center brace!!!!! And I guarantee it's blocking tons of light to my corals in the center..... So what can I do?!
  4. You add a lot of risk with the hob overflows. That's all. Also... What I'm saying is to flip your piping for he return. So connect the flex in the sump area and hard plumb to the tank. You'd be surprised how much crap is going to grow in that pipe I the back even with indirect light. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Also, why didn't you go ahead and drill the tank for overflow since you drilled it for return?
  6. I think you should Hard plumb the Return until right before the Pump itself. Rather than how you have it now. Supposed to help with vibration and noise. Also less algae growth since there's less light hitting it.
  7. Picked up a few Maricultures from Bali. I'm going to mount them up tomorrow but wanted to let them acclimate before I started messing with Putty and Glue.
  8. You should ask if they'll let you return them? They've been running since I bought them. Do you think they'd allow that? If it was only a week ago, I'd say give it a shot.
  9. You should ask if they'll let you return them?
  10. What they said. Might be too clean.
  11. Mine gets stuff the clown brings it from what I feed the other fish, no direct feeding..
  12. I just feed my fish everyday.... no problems here!
  13. Pending Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Willing to do trades or offers Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Id say to do the .5ml twice a day. like it should be. don't want to shock the system any more than it has been
  16. You're supposed to keep a small amount of Zeolites when you change out the majority. Also If you do have a 130g system you're definitely overdosing ZeoFood and Zeobak. It's 1 drop per 25 gallons if I'm not mistaken.... Also Zeostart is 1 ml per 125 Gallons a Day! so if you're doing 7 ML a day!!!! holy crap!
  17. Yeah, we need more info. How are you running Zeo. What additives are you adding. Coral Snow is for Problem solving so that wouldn't cause it. None of those foods can really be overdosed unless you put the whole bottle in. How much ZeoStart and ZeoBak are you dosing? How much Zeolites?
  18. My Colony is for sale. $30 takes it.. When it was on the Rock:
  19. I was instructed by ATI that when you have 2 fixtures, the cords have to be in the center because of how the fixtures exaust their heat. Make sure you vent that Canopy on the sides
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