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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. As of today I have In order of addition Purple Tang Sailfin Tang Yellow Tang x2 Achilles Tang Chocolate Tang Blonde Naso Tang Sohal Tang Dussumieri Tang Hippo Tang Orange Shoulder Tang Kole Tang Black Tang I have tried a Clown, Powder Blue, both killed by the Achilles. I also Have: Magnificent Foxface Regular Foxface 4 Female Lyretails 2 Male Lyretails File Fish Cleaner Wrasse 2 Orange Ocellaris Clowns 1 Black Ocellaris Clown
  2. Interested. How big. I would take either one.
  3. That's a lot of separate tanks.... You know my answer though....
  4. why do u turn off ur pumps for a water change?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk To make sure the water level in the sump doesn't get too low to expose the pumps to air while running. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. What are the baffles on the left for?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk It's designed to remove the micro bubbles Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. And I know that it's just regular silicone holding it there since this tank has been taken apart and resiliconed before. So hopefully it's pretty straight forward Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Razor, putty tool.... And elbow grease..... Smh It's gonna be a pain for sure. The plan is: 1.) Pray 2.) install temp braces. 3.) Pray again 4.) lower the water level to less than half 5.) Remove the current brace. 6.) install new brace... 7.) put water back in.... 8.) Pray again Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Working out the measurements! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Well looks like I'm going to be removing my large glass center brace in favor of using a steel brace instead. Will post as it developes Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. It looks like I'm going to go with removing it and added a steel brace instead. I tried the vinegar today... And I tried Bar Keeps Friend also in the center. Didn't do anything. Not going to try anything else to what I'm planning on removing now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. What he said Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Use it straight or dilute..? I see it for sale by the gallon at HD. Would I just put a bit on a paper towel and scrub or put it straight on then wipe off. Do you let it sit? Idk Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Well tried just the Magic Eraser... No difference. Haven't tried any vinegar soak yet...
  14. Could also be the powerstrip itself? Is it a good quality strip?
  15. I'm sure Richard has some Frags available. If he doesn't, I can help you with that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Guy at Home Depot suggested I screw a 1x4 to the beams in the ceiling and then mounting the hanging equipment to the 1x4. This was the weight is distributed more evenly and the wood can be extremely sturdy on the ceiling.
  17. Hanging was a little tricky only because I didn't have a big enough drill bit for the holes, So that took a bit to make them big enough using a smaller bit. Otherwise I used my same 1x4 mount in the ceiling and toggle bolts that came with the fixtures. I've still got some leveling to do, and toying with bulb combos, but overall the lights are VERY bright and vibrant. It gives the tank a very crisp clean look compared to the Build My Leds. When you run the demo mode, it shows you tons of combos of LED you can use, Endless possibilities! I'm exited to see what comes!
  18. Lots of particles in my water when I get up close... I have lots of flow!
  19. After reading about it on reef central... It's evidently used a lot..... People actually use it to clean the glass inside the tank with their magnets.. Idk about that one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. lucklaser 2W Does it work on trash palys.... If so... I need to borrow it for about a week Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Hmm.... But I foams when you get it wet...? At least for me when I use it on dirty walls.... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Hmm, could you find them in your tank? Were they just not eating the aiptasia or did they not make it? Saw them occasionally for probably the first week or so. Only saw 1 actually go after an aiptasia, but they were usually near the aiptasia that I initially released them near. Hmm... where did you get yours? Last thing I need is to spend any money on anything that doesn't work.
  23. i guess id just have to be really careful since there's harsh chemicals... I think i'll try the vinegar first and go from there.
  24. Ole Reef in the Sky wannabe...... Not me.....
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