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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Looks like a Valida or another Acropora and not Birdsnest. But That's me
  2. My view from the couch taken with a iPhone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Tank is looking great Rory! How's the black tang doing? Growing! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. My view from the couch taken with a iPhone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Test fit.... We're go for powder coat! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I'm a newb to T5's, why the addition of the KZ Fiji Purple and not Purple Plus. The KZ Fiji was the original purple. Its the only KZ bulb that is better than the rest. The Fiji has a brighter crips magenta, whereas the Purple + is more red. Its all a matter of preference - if you like what you see then don't change it! The differences are just related to spectrum of the bulb. I thought the crips were blue, not magenta? That's a whole lot of blue in that T5 line up. Will you be running any other lights to bring some more white light into the tank? LOL! Its a fair mix of blues/whites. I'm not a huge fan of crisp white - I like a lot of blue! LOL! It won't look too Windex-ish. If it does I'll put the AquaBlue Special back in, and remove a Blue+ That was gonna be my suggestion. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I'm a newb to T5's, why the addition of the KZ Fiji Purple and not Purple Plus.
  7. You're right. It sure does ship free. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. More expensive typically Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I just need some frag discs. Seeing if anyone's placing an order I can hop on.
  10. After watching the BRS episode on CaRX it makes me wonder if I can route the line of my excess co2 back into the water intake similar to how they did it. I have to shut the outtake off and open that top co2 excess valve about once a week to get the air to be pushed out an properly fill the Canister. Could I add a T to the water intake and get the air to empty itself back into the reactor? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Here's the plan.... Threw some light boxes in place to visualize where the cross braces will be. Turned the lights up. You couldn't see any noticeable light blockage.. I think it's gonna be great!
  12. Increased polyp extension. I wouldn't say a change in color just jet. I had to snip up one of them because it didn't like being that close to an mp40 and started losing flesh. The rest of it still looks good thoughSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I'm in the same boat. No color yet but PE is good. Although they've been super pissed without light for a few days. I have a 30" 14K BML you could borrow for a bit if needed...
  13. Increased polyp extension. I wouldn't say a change in color just jet. I had to snip up one of them because it didn't like being that close to an mp40 and started losing flesh. The rest of it still looks good though Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Flipper Max is Great... That is all Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Which one? Or boths? No worries, I am not selling mine either. None of them Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Idk,, I'm not interested in them. They look gross to me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. I just pulled a picture off their website. It appears that the green shrooms i'm referring to developed those large bubbles that are characteristic of the Bounce Mushrooms over time. They don't look like bounce shrooms in this photo but they're there. Upper right
  18. Not at all what i'm talking about. The have Bounce Shrooms in there. I talked to Hunter about it. They not bright or anything but they're there.
  19. Interested in Purple Hammer.
  20. They have some green ones at Aquadome in that Red Sea Display. They look gross to me.
  21. As long as this thing keeps growing the way it is, there will be many frags to come.
  22. SOLD KimP... I will cut a frag from mine for you Jimbo
  23. Going to sell one of my Blue Acro Colonies or chop one up into large Frags. Anyone interested. A Colony would be $60 - SOLD KimP Frags would be $15-$20. They are bigger now than in these pics... Super fast Growing! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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