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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Same offer for the hippo, clowns, and mandarin. I emailed u on craigslist too.
  2. How big. are they? I would like one if u decide to seek a new home for one of them. I haven't had any luck with the ones from the store, but one already used to aquarium life would work great!
  3. Shane hasn't steered me wrong, as long as u can depend on ur neighbor.
  4. Thanks for your help man.....
  5. Update! Quarantine Tank I have a 29 gal Biocube up and running with 35 lbs of Live Fiji Rock. Everything tested ready so I got a good size Blue Hippo and a Cleaner Shrimp from River City. It looks good with no signs of Ich and is good size. It swims up to the cleaner shrimp and parks, but so far I haven't seen the Shrimp clean him. I'm not sure if I just need to wait for the shrimp to come around or if there's nothing to clean. The Cleaner shrimp in my Main 90 gallon tank has always gone for the previous hippos to clean them, so i'm thinking about moving him into the quarantine also since I know he recognizes Hippos. But so far so good!
  6. I'm getting a cube, and I'm going to try and quarantine one and see if I have better luck!
  7. I add Zitamins to the Brine Garlic to the Blood Worms and Both to my Mysis the flake I use has garlic
  8. The 1st 4 hippos died prior to me having a Sailfin in the tank. So that was not the problem
  9. Would a biocube work as a QT tank? how big should I make sure it is?
  10. I have an Orange Anthias in the main tank. No Damsels though. I saw no problems with any of those signs on any of the hippos Ive had except for one really thin one. My favorite is the Yellow Tail Blue damsel. They stay smaller than most of the other damsels. As far as testing for pathogens all I know of is the ol' eyeball test - look for spots black white and in between, blemishes especially red blotches, and discoloration. Make sure they're eating and have good body weight. Even laterally compressed fish like tangs should have smooth consistent profile from their face across the forehead and onto the back. if the fishes back is pinched so you can make out the line where the skull ends and the back begins it's under weight and also avoid pinched or sunken bellies. An overweight fish by contrast the back will arch out or "pillow" out from the skull line. Hydro makes a good point, you'll have better success if you can find one that someone needs to get rid of one for some "good" reason. The good news from my experience is once they've acclimated to an aquarium they can be very hardy and should live decades I forgot, avoid cloudy eyes also. As far as Chromis, my experience and what I've seen in others tanks is they have poor long term survival. It's tempting seeing a picture of a bunch of them together but I'd avoid them. I have much better luck with anthias but they would be an expensive dither fish.
  11. And a dither fish? I'm assuming Chromis or damsels?
  12. I there a way I could check for any of the possible pothogens or something I should do to make sure they are removed. I have had no other fish loss than the Blue Tangs.
  13. He was giving me replacments for free. Not getting anymore though, I got a Yellow instead. The Blue was bigger than the Salfin. It was swimming around eating well, lots of Zoe soaked brine. Was swimming around at 5 pm before work, dead and discolored at 10 when I got home.
  14. the First was from Aquadome The next 4 were from Fishy Business Paid for the 1st, the rest were free replacments
  15. Hey Guys, I'm about 2 Months in to my Reef Hobby. I have had a problem keeping a Hippo Tang Alive in my tank! I can't figure out what could be wrong. The first one I had always hid, never came out and never ate, died in about a week. The second, also never ate, but swam around plenty, died in about a week. The third was fat and happy, and swam around plenty, came home to find a spine fungus on him, and he died that night. The fourth was really skinny and didn't make it a day, never ate. The fifth was Fat and Happy, and bigger than any of the other ones, Only lasted 2 days, came home from work to find him dead. 90 Gallon Tank, 140 lbs Fiji and Tucani Live Rock, VHO's, 30 gallon SUMP, 200 Skimmer, Mag 18 return Plenty of Corals Purple Firefish Mckosker's Wrasse Sixline Wrasse Orange Anthias Sailfin Tang - added after the first 4 Fire Shrimp Skunk Cleaner Shrimp Peppermint Shrimp Coral Banded Shrimp CUC - etc 1.024-1.025 Salinity DKH - 10-12 usually Ph - 8.2-8.4 440-480 Calcium 0 Nitrates, Nitrites, Ammonia 77-78 temp Any Ideas would be great!!! It's in the living room so it has been suggested that maybe my Surround Sound might be messing with them. Anyone heard of this being a problem?
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