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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Juiceman

    Erectus Seahorse

    From the album: 29 Bio Cube

  2. Juiceman

    Erectus Seahorse

    From the album: 29 Bio Cube

  3. Juiceman

    Baby Hippo

    From the album: 29 Bio Cube

  4. Juiceman

    Seahorse Cube

    From the album: 29 Bio Cube

  5. Juiceman

    SPS Frags

    From the album: 90 Gallon

  6. Juiceman


    From the album: 90 Gallon

  7. From the album: 90 Gallon

  8. From the album: 90 Gallon

  9. Juiceman

    LT Anemone

    From the album: 90 Gallon

  10. Juiceman


    From the album: 90 Gallon

  11. Juiceman

    Green Goniopora

    From the album: 90 Gallon

  12. From the album: 90 Gallon

  13. Juiceman

    Neon Candy Canes

    From the album: 90 Gallon

  14. Juiceman

    Full Tank

    From the album: 90 Gallon

  15. Just put your water in buckets, rocks in large tuppleware, put the fish and corals in a separate bucket or tuppleware, and leave ur substrate in the tank, and move everything over and put in back in, let the loose sand and what not settle and temp before re acclimating the fish and corals back in though.
  16. Polyps were out within seconds of being put in my tank after temp acclimating. Thanks!
  17. So all the pieces I fragged off, all also lost all of their tissue. But still, all of my other SPS including new one's I've added, are all great. I have caught some of my hermits and snails messing with the bleached pieces, but I never saw them near it prior to this starting.
  18. I fragged off all of the pieces that were still good, ill see how they do.
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