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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Just a little short on my substrate, looking for some extra
  2. Wiating for pics, unfamiliar with a few of these
  3. Are the anthias' all female lyretails? I'm interested
  4. And the jg yellow mille
  5. The tri color valida please
  6. Don get api, my test kit reads different than other tests and different from stores who use the same api test as me. Not sure why. My api test says 0 nitrates etc, got to river city and use the same api test and there are nitrates, phosphates, etc. Idk
  7. Juiceman


    Keep your fish heathy, lots of garlic, zoe, any other viatmins you can give them. And make sure ur levels are good so as the fish to have no reason to stress. Make sure they are both getting algae or seaweed in their diet too, did the trick when I had an ick outbreak. Havnt seen it since.
  8. I have never had any jump
  9. Dragons breath is macro algae if I'm not mistaken.
  10. Same here. Honest and somtimes blunt advice lol, and doesn't push to sell you anything. Let's you know exactly what you need. poorest customer service... at least my experience.. He flat out said he wouldn't answer questions I had out of fear I would go somewhere else... Guess what!?! I did.. and I'll never go back.
  11. The bulk of my purchases happen at " fishy business " off of Burnet road. I also frequent the others (aquadome, river city, and aquatek) but don't make very many purchases from them.
  12. I lost a few frags afew months back due to temp swings,( didn't lose any torts, or milles, idk) id like to re stock my birdsnest and digitatas for a decent price. Pink bird, green bird, purple bird, orange digi, red digi, purple digi, let me know what you can spare!
  13. Interested in th cpr, how many gallons is it rated for?
  14. My 6 line killed both of my Black Clowns and sometimes chases my Ocellaris clowns around. Could be the Pair also, they helped stress out the Black Clowns while the 6 Line was nipping at them.
  15. Yeah, I had the one that was reef safe, he never touched a thing
  16. My copperband did good for about a month, then he started attacking my acans! I also had a longnose yellow and a black and white heniochus that never touched any corals.
  17. Pic of the pink and holloween mille's and the rainbow monti
  18. The glass tops I was given sadly are not wide enough for the 75 gallon I'm putting them on. So I'm still on the look out for anyone who has an extra set from a 75 or 90 that they could part with.
  19. what are we talking for some mushrooms? any pics with the prices?
  20. is that only open to him?
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