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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. if your ALK is really 2.6, I would get that up. but that may not be what's causing it.
  2. I think Aquatek may carry it. It's more expensive there. Shane had some last time I was there for freshwater.
  3. they're 35.99 at aquadome I believe. Aquatek is too expensive
  4. That can happen because you changed the salt, not neccesarily an inaccurate reading. and IDK how much I would trust amazonia. but just my opinion. I just use the cheapola one from petsmart too, they have a refracto at River city if you wanna take him some water.
  5. Interested!!! how long have you had him? what corals did he go after?
  6. Calcium wont affect soft coral so much as lps and sps. What are the perameters?
  7. Just make sure you're running carbon, shouldn't be a problem if they don't get murdered trying to get them off! lol
  8. I have just pulled them off. I have done this in the water and out. Will take a frag of those polyps if u pull some out.
  9. 39 watts x 4 or 6. 4 bulbs is 156 watts 6 bulbs is 234 watts what size tank? divide the total watts by how many gallons of display water. around 4 watts a gallon I think is ok. I have a rose bubble anemone under 4.5 watts a gallon and it is doing great.
  10. well let me get a frag and I will research further! lol
  11. Looks like maybe a tri color valida, but the pic is blurry
  12. Are they under the standard Biocube PC's? where are you located? My Green Pocil is my best grower. May come pick it up after school.
  13. Pics would be awesome, interested in a few things
  14. I just said good luck. Not to be taken aggressively. And to add comments from what others have said. I agree with those who have had problems with the dwarfs. They get everywhere because of their size, but that also means they're getting into the nooks and crannies of rocks that larger snails can't get to, so give and take. And you should probably account for normal die off of snails in your decision of how many to get. But with 80lbs in the display, a crew meant for a 100-125 would probably be overkill. But remember the dwarfs account for the largest number of snails if you go with reef cleaners quick crews. But they have custom crews you can submit for too and still get the same low prices. I have been very satisfied with them.
  15. dude, turn ur ac down!!! if you keep the house around 75-77, you should be fine without a chiller, just a fan on the lights. I ironically added a small walmart clip fan to blow air over my sump, and it decreased my temp by 3+ degrees.
  16. Depends on what you're going to have in your tank. If you're going to have alot of LPS, and SPS, Turbos will knock stuff down and over and cause problems, or at least in my experience. I got the quick crews from Reef Cleaners for my 75 and my 90 and it worked out great. The dwarf snails are tiny, like maybe a centimeter or 2. So they will be fine as far as algae is concerned. You need more rock for that 110g anyway.
  17. I just pulled some silver and pom pom xenia out of my angel tank because my flame angel took a liking to them. I would definately trade these for the birdsnests. They're not very happy right now since they were being attacked. I'm going to give them a few days, then ill hit u up! Its like 3 stalks of silver and 3 small stalks of pom pom.
  18. Juiceman


    Alkalinity, Alkalinity, Alkalinity. If you want coral and less algae, make sure your alkalinity is as stable as possible. If you don't have a test kit, get one.
  19. Yeah I have the same problem. Need a bigger tank! Lol
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