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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Juiceman

    Full 90

    From the album: 90 Gallon 10 Months

    90 10 months in
  2. Juiceman

    Full 90

    From the album: 90 Gallon 10 Months

    90 10 month in
  3. Yeah, I had one of those too, create bubble reguardless, installed a hang on overflow and sump instead, fixed my problem.
  4. interested, 4 in from tail to mouth?
  5. What lighting is it under right now?
  6. I'm in cedar park, let me know if you want a second eye to make sure, but that looks like exactly what I had which were dinos. After re-reading your post. I would suggest reducing feeding all around. example, do the nori every other day opposite of feeding days. scratch the pellets or flakes totally (lots of phosphates in dried foods) and raising the ph. Definitely worked for me. ur on the right track otherwise. took about a solid 2 months until it was 100% gone for me. How are you siphoning it out? I used a tube with a sock tied to the other end, and started the siphon with a return line nozzle to create a strong siphon. they stuff is in the rocks, not just the outside. (when I wasn't replacing it with clean water)
  7. Dinoflaggelates! Definitely. I battled those for a long time, and took me a long time to diagnose them. Here's what I did that worked reduced lighting period Carbon Elevated PH Like 8.5 Feeding every 2nd or 3rd day Siphoning out all I could in 5 gallons of water daily and adding a clean 5 gallons Finally, I just pulled everything out and scrubbed it and and washed and redid my rockwork to add more flow, Continued the same regiment and they slowly dissapeard. Removal is the key, they grew back almost daily Good Luck!
  8. Juiceman


    Put me down for one!
  9. What did you have to trade it's alot more green and bigger than this now. this is about 4 months ago. So I could cut a decent frag. Don't need any zoas. maybe a different leather, or mushrooms. But I know this sells for alot, so whatever you think would be equal value.
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