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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. regular members can see this, I just logged out and tried.
  2. It looks like it's doing a good job. One thing I had to learn is that once it's doing good, leave it alone, let it develop that slime on the inside, then it'll really pull out some good stuff!
  3. So, once again when should I be expecting to pay for my membership! :-)
  4. The other thing you have to remember is that even when the float switch stops the rodi water from being made, the supply line is still pushing and sending it all through the waste line. So you might get a valve on the intake and out take to turn one when you want to make water to refill, and turn off when you don't need it to make water. just a thought, that's one thing I didn't know when I added that same type of float switch in my resevoir.
  5. Yeah. I just moved my 90 a cross the room and had to move the plate to a holding tank and then back into the main using my bare hands. It is back puffed up like usual. I hadn't handled it since I got it, it was sticky like an anemone! Love it! ? When mechanical damage is the issue, nothing is safer for the coral than bare hands...
  6. Girlfriend helped me move my 90 gallon across the room to make way for the 200 gallon. She's a keeper!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Juiceman


      We just got her an aquatic turtle tank! lol

    3. mFrame


      LOL, Nice!

    4. JamesL


      Turtles lead to freshwater fish, which lead to saltwater :)

  7. new link, had the wrong 1 year mark subtitle (was too early)
  8. I'm officially 1 year into the hobby and I've learned a ridiculous amount of info from reading, visiting others tanks, and my own trials and triumphs. This is a video of my documentation of my 90 Gallon reef tank. 90 Gallon Tank (Drilled by Fishy Business) 30 Gal Sump (Fishy Business) ASM G2 Skimmer, Mag 18 return 90 lbs of Figi Live Rock, 60 lbs of Tukani Live Rock VHO lighting up until Month 11 when I switched to 250w 14k Halides Numerous SPS, LPS, and Softies. You'll see transitions from new tank syndromes, cyano and dinos, to where the tank is today! Thanks for all you guys help and suggestions, as well as hoping that my experiences have help a few as well! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwJvZQDxJqk&feature=youtu.be
  9. Tank is 1 year old today!

  10. My coraline has been crazy, but other than that, I've had great growth.
  11. Anyone have a large container or alike that I could use to move my 90gal livestock, rock, and water that I could borrow for a day or two?

    1. Juiceman


      The guys at RCA are letting me borrow one of theirs. Thanks guys!

  12. Waiting on new glass for the 200, Ordered some Marco rock, got my apex, almost time for the EVO's

  13. Bump Gen X available Best Offer Baldor available Best Offer Both overflows available, $35 each or $60 Both I also have 6 5 gallon water jugs. $6 each or $30 for all.
  14. Yeah, the first one I had got sliced somehow when I moved it, and it died quickly. I've had this second one for almost 2 months now, I just do my best to leave it alone. I have it on my crushed coral substrate. It's doing great
  15. alk, and make sure your nitrates and phosphates are good. also once you put it somewhere, leave it alone! it will flourish
  16. They'll eat stuff off of them, and eat dead ones. You may even try moving them up. But either way, you should give them time.
  17. Did you end up with any motor left over from the Marco rocks set? Was it enough to get the job done?
  18. Ah, I see, I was reading about that but wasn't sure what it meant compared to the others.
  19. I feel like I just got done reading this somewhere but I can't seem to find it. What is the macro that would pull the most out of the water. It seems like most people have cheato, but what about mangroves, or something else u may be using. Opinions?
  20. Sump SOLD! Gen X available Baldor available Both overflows available, note utubes and filter pads are included Make me an offer!
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