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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. I had one for about 8 months until I think it starved when I was going for a low nutrient system and wasn't feeding it. I'll definitly be getting another one once my 200g settles in. The one I had at least tripled in size during the time I'd had it.
  2. I just got done moving my 75 rock and live stock into their new home. I don't want to throw away my old substrate that's loaded with cerith snails and pods and kill all of them. Im home for another hour or so then I go to work. I'll get off around 4. I won't be home for long after that since I have somewhere to be. Otherwise you'd have to come get it tomorrow evening. Pm me if interested. Bring a bucket, it's about 2-4 lbs I think, maybe more.
  3. I have a big roll of extra netting/mesh that was used for keeping fish from commiting suicide by jumping out that I got for free. PM me know if you want some.
  4. Anyone know of a good place/person in town to get an acrylic rodi reservoir made or get the supplies to make it?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Juiceman
    3. (Bio)³


      Regal plastics sells the materials, very easy to do. If you diy and want help pm me

    4. Juiceman
  5. Have you done any bacteria dosing. I used tlc from fishy business to help with mine. The other thing that helped was I situated my sump to force all of the overflow water through gfo and carbon. It disappeared in about a week.
  6. The evolution evo150 LEDs got held up in customs, but reefkoi has kept me updated every step of the way, very satisfied with his customer service so far
  7. That was the suggested cuc by reef cleaners, based on how much rock and livestock plans. I'd rather have too much than not enough I guess.
  8. I disagree with this. All starfish are opportunistic. I put hermits in the same predator category as puffers and triggers, they just munch on different stuff. I like to couple serpent stars with emerald crabs. If you put predators in your captive reef then expect them to eat all that they can. Patrick I have had linkias and tile stars, never a serpent so I couldn't say if they would be good or not, then again I dont use sand. When I watch my linkias, I don't see any algae removed by them. The emeralds would probably be good, my puffer tried and failed! That emerald defended himself with a vengeance! Puff daddy was MAD!
  9. The starfish don't really clean anything, maybe a serpent. Have you tried large turbos, or large hermits. My puffer and snowflake eel dont eat my cuc but I keep them pretty fat with scallops, mussels, and krill. However my puffer did just have a fight trying to eat an emerald crab! Lol
  10. Reef Cleaners and Vortechs are here!!!!!!!! 125g quick crew plus 3 Emerald Crabs, 45 extra hermit crabs, and 45 extra Florida Ceriths. All kinds of crap started coming out once both vortechs were on!! I like these guys. I had the 2 mag 18's running, and 3 koralias, and it doesn't come close to what these vortechs are doing! I have them running at 70% or so depending on the mode right now since I don't want to blow the corals away, I'll let them get used to the added flow and then gradually turn them up.
  11. WXM module is here, MP40's will be here tomorrow, I'll have my LED's this weekend or Monday! I lost my Blue mille that i've had for about 2 months and all the frags I cut of it. RTN I also lost a Yellow Fuzzy Acro to RTN that i've had for almost 10 months! I can't see why he got upset. As far as I can tell, the biggest difference in the 200 vs the 90 is the temperature. The 90 used to always run hot at about 77-80 degrees. Since the switch, the 200 has been right between 75.5-77.5. Theres not as much flow in the 200 either compared to the 90, but the mp40's will help with that problem. Hopefull I won't lose anything else.
  12. Just won an order refund from BRS!! yayah!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bige


      Congrats! I was wondering who it was,

    3. RobR


      That's awesome Congrats!!!

    4. C Lo Slice
  13. Interested in just the ice cap with vhos if you will part it out.
  14. I used TLC from Fishy Business. Alot more for the same price as Dr. Tims. Get's the job done faster too,
  15. Thursday I decided to get my Substrate, I went with the same crushed coral that I used in the 90. I rinsed it really good and then put in the the tank. I then did a mock scape to get the rocks set up for everything to be moved over. This is how it looked Friday. Saturday was a long day! Started at about 11 am and went until about 4. I emptied my sump water into the tank, and began moving my live rock and corals over one by one as I gave them a good toothbrushing. It took a while and I tried to get some good scaping making use of my Marco Rock and a shelf rock I got in trade. I found my 2 month old Electric Scallop in the process which I hadn't seen since I put it in the tank. It is doing great btw. This is everything moved over at 4 o'clock with only my 2 4 foot VHO's lighting it mounted to my new canopy. My Hippo Tang and BiColor Blenny gave me a scare. I moved every fish over once majority of my 100 or so gallons water was in the 200 from my 90, but I couldn't find my hippo or Blenny in the 90. About 2 hours later, here they are swimming around the 200! They must have been hiding in some of the live rock that was carried over about 14 feet of carpet out of water until I placed it in the 200! Crazy! I tested my ALK, Cal, and MG and everything was great. I had to take a pit stop and let things settle to go pick up a coral from Austin Aqua Farms before 4 so I jetted over there and gave the debris some time to settle, and gave the tank a nice dose of TLC Start Smart Liquid Bacteria to knock out the Nitrates and Phos that i'm sure got kicked up in the process of moving. Once I got back I got a few minor things done. I got some handles for the canopy and doors. I installed my GFO reactor and Heater, and APEX with my ALK and CAL dosers. I got my 2 Halides installed until my LED's come in. I think it came out pretty good, and Everything seems ok. Sunday Morning, I woke up to find my Yellow Tang RIP. I've had him for about 5 months so I know he was eating well and what not, but it was too much stress for him. Everyone else is OK! I only have 1 SPS RTN on me, But it wasn't doing so good in the 90, so I kind of expected it. So my LED's and MP40's should be in this week hopefully, and i'll do another update then!
  16. Yeah, high prices and bad looking livestock, I haven't been back
  17. Moved everything into the 200!!! Updates soon!

  18. I'm confused, is a frag of this for sale?
  19. Nevermind, I need my crew before that.
  20. Give it time, took almost a month and a half for my RBTA to start expanding during the day
  21. Fishy business has a bunch! IDK price though
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