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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. may have the valves you need too, i'm not too savy on these though, I got a bunch of valves when I bought a mixing station a while back and im not using any of them.
  2. I got 2 bulkheads i think, they're from a broken overflow box. I believe they're 1 inch
  3. Ok so that raises a question. When I hooked up the 2 mag18s that originally planned to use, it put the water line above the center brace. So I have since put a 9.5 on the return that splits to the outside and kept the 18 on the return that splits to the center of the tank. It still puts some of the water on the center brace so its still overkill. Should I get rid of the 9.5 and just split the 18 into 4 returns? I know hat will help with heat, but my worry then would be that I wouldn't get flow that's worth anything once that 18 is split between the 4 returns? Or I can replace the 18 with an additional 9.5? Thoughts?
  4. Oh for sure. I had to get a maxi jet and pump about 15 gallons of water out of the sump to get it to start working correctly again, I then just turned it all the way down and let it clean up it's own mess. slowly added back in the 15 gallons I took out and then turned the returns back on. Crazy how the only heat issues I have now are from the pumps!
  5. I know I see it all the time but does anyone have a par meter I could use to test my LEDs?

    1. (Bio)³


      Troypt is getting one tomorrow and going to start a service.

    2. troypt


      i have ordered one and will have it later this week.

  6. For sale is the 20g sump I used with my 75 gallon tank. the Overflow lines go in to the left, then your skimmer, the bubble trap/filter pad/live rock rubble area is in the middle, then your return/reactor etc area is on the right. Cash or Paypal $30 $20 OBO near 183 and 620
  7. For sale is an Eshoppes PF 1000 Overflow Box with dual bulkheads, filter pads, and about 4-5 feet of tubing for each bulkhead. Cash or paypal. 40$ OBO Near 183 and 620
  8. Interesting find just now. I turned off my return pumps to clean my filter pad. Well I came back from cleaning my pad to find my skimmer had overflown. So I left the return pumps off long enough for the skimmer to clean the water in the sump before I turned everything back on. Prior to me turning the pumps off, My temperature was at 77.6. After those pumps were off for about an hour, when everything started looping again, the temperature had changed to 76.4! Am I to believe that the 2 mags are making that much heat. My display had both my VHO's and LED's running and my MP40's giving flow. So the only difference was the returns not being on.
  9. Full Tank Shot at about 40%-50%. iphone makes it look super Blue but its a good mix. I think i'm going to go alittle more white as I turn them up.
  10. Shane will do that at fishy business, especially for high dollar fish
  11. So far the corals like the LED's more than the halides. I have more polyp extension under the EVO's than under the halides, and I still have them turned down at like 35% right now.
  12. Well my EVO's are finally here! The first thing I wanted to do was to get a comparison of what they looked like compare to the halide and VHO combo. I mounted one EVO150 in the center of the tank and turned up both the Whites and Blues to 100% heres the full tank with the 14K Plusrite 250W halides on the Left and Right of it. The brightness is very close, but the LED is noticably more blue, but I expected that since they're supposed to show a 20K spectrum. Here's the right side of the tank comparing the LED and Halide Here's the left side comparing the LED and Halide Next step, Install all 3 fixtures! Here's all three on the tank comparing only Blues on the Left, both 100% in the center, and only Whites on the Right: My green umbrella hasn't extended it's polyps since I've set up this tank, until it got under these LED's! I've got them dimmed down for a while so as to make sure not to shock things too much. I finally got a few other things done. I realized a little late that I didn't put any type of tank to hold my RODI top off water, OOPS! I had to either make something or have something made that would fit through the door under the front of the stand. I got referred to PROF (Dave) and he quoted me a great price on a custom Acrylic resevoir. Once filled up, It holds about 15-18 gallons of water which is great! I won't have to fill it very often. I also finally organized (to an extent) my power strip. I got the American DJ station power strip with individual switches for each plug. Its pretty cool being able to turn off my pumps for a water change with a flip of a switch instead of trying to unplug stuff hoping its the right thing. Got it from BestBuy.com but they have it on alot of electronic store websites. Still a few small things to finish, and I'll watch the corals closely to see how they adjust to the LEDS, will update once acclimation goes for a while!
  13. I have 1 400w Dimmable Coralvue Ballast $150 per retail All Wiring included PRICE 60$ 50$ 40$ for the Ballast Halide Bulbs for Sale. 2 250W Plusrite 14K Mogul Bulbs (3 Months use) $20ish retail several different 400W mogul Bulbs, pair of 20Ks, 14K, different brands $200+ retail. PRICE 10$ for all the bulbs PM me if interested Can do Paypal or cash Close to 183 and 620
  14. Shane had a Purple Tang last time I was there. i got mine from him and it's my healthiest and most outgoing fish. Price tag is high though
  15. I have had a nitrate spike right after the move. I'm pretty sure it was from that Yellow Tang dying, and prior to my new CUC coming in. I can't think of anywhere else it would have come from. I also hadn't installed my biopellets which I had running on the 90 prior to the move. I went ahead and installed them on the 200 with a new bag of pellets, the Nitrates were at 20ppm prior to their installation down from lord knows where that cause the loss of those corals, but 2 days later, they are at 0. Sadly I've lost almost ALL of my SPS, which really sucks, but I will restock once the shock of the move is over. My LPS and Softies are doing great. My electric scallop has found a home where I can actually see him! All of my other fish are doing great. My remaining SPS continues to recede, I'm not sure if they'll pull through or not. I also did the move of my 75 gallon reef into my 90 gallon tank. I did have a nitrate spike there as well, but the corals seem uneffected by it and are out and bigger than the've ever been, but then again, there's no SPS in that tank. Funny how that works,
  16. And with the Apex and the WXM module, I have them changing modes through out the day. Keeps it as random as possible, and to the touch, its way more broad of a stream than any other power head I've used. Fallback ReefCres Set ReefCres If Time 11:00 to 13:59 Then ReefCres If Time 14:00 to 15:59 Then Tidal If Time 16:00 to 17:59 Then Pulse If Time 18:00 to 20:59 Then Tidal If Time 21:00 to 22:15 Then ReefCres If Time 22:16 to 22:59 Then Nutrient If Time 23:00 to 10:59 Then Lagoon If FeedA 000 Then OFF
  17. THERE FINALLY HERE!!!! Will update once installed tonight!
  18. He gets his shipments on Tuesdays but sometimes it's not every week.
  19. Coral frenzy just loose in the tank, I had never spot fed it during the time I had it.
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