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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. +1 Great job man, looking good! I can get you any reeflo pump that would run everything that's external if you want. This way lots of the heat can dissapte in to the air instead of being absorbed by the water. I like the hammerhead, only uses 3 amps but can put out 6000 GPH. What's cool to is that if you put a ballvalve on and throttle it back it actually uses less power. For my new tank I actually got a reconditioned hammerhead and it was waaaaay cheaper. I never updated the return pump situation. I have since put a valve on the Mag 18 and it runs my Bio Pellets and GFO as well as return to the tank, and have a Mag 9.5 as the other pump, the chiller hasn't turned on since. I also don't have as much heat anymore since I removed the mag 5 and mag 2 that were running those reactors.
  2. Update time, Corals are really starting to like the LED's I'm still only at 50% on the dials. I turned the blues down to take these pictures. For whatever reason the cameras can't handle the spectrum and show everything super blue. My Skimmer has broken in very well, I wasn't sure if it would work out when I first set it up but it's pulling some nice stuff out! My Linkias love each other! lol Got some cool stuff from rchavez and Hydro! My ORA Green and Pink Poccilapore on the right was completely bleached, It's coming back nice! Here's my 90 Gallon after I moved the 75g inhabitants into it. Everyone is doing well. I qt'd a Koran Angel for a few weeks and he's doing well in his new home. I went back to VHO's for this tank. I'm not going to house SPS in it. My Rose's like the VHO's better than the PC's. Trying to decide if I should keep them both or sell one of them. My clowns are in separate Anemones each night! Working on Beefing my SPS back up again. I'm adding stuff as I go.
  3. Who in town has the best prices for garlic extreme, iodine, Zoe, etc?

  4. Can you feed marine pellets and flakes to fresh water fish?

    1. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      I've slipped some in to my FW fish. Some will eat them, some wont.

  5. My Yellow got sluggish once when I hadn't been feeding the tank as much working on my phosphates. I started feeding more of my A+ Spectrum pellets, and vitamin enriched mysis, and he bounced back quick. But he was still eating well when I did that. Any fish that I had that was so sluggish that I could catch it, didn't make it through the night.
  6. And I have some premixed water but I'm up north.
  7. Fishy business is open until 9.
  8. Not a good sign. History? How long have had him? Any bullying?
  9. Is is stringy, like flowing in the water? Is it yellow like that or brown? Does it look like snot/ slime etc?
  10. Do we really? When was someone going to tell me?!
  11. When my blues are on by themselves or turned up, my tank looks cloudy. During the day with he whites on, everything looks clear. Can you dim the blues?
  12. When I try to take pics of my Tank with the LED's on, Everything comes out super blue or looks pixelated at best. I've tried my kodak video camera, my iphone, and my girlfriends Canon. Can't get them to take a pic that truly shows the colors. Do I have to go out and buy a super expensive camera to get something that can handle the colors?
  13. Hey did you update the firmware manually when you got it? I had to hardware mine to my computer and update the firmware to the apex itself to fix some issues I was having.
  14. I don't know if sand sifters are any good on crushed coral. Or at least I don't have any in my tank. I also use a gravel siphon every now and again for my water changes. Lots of junk comes out. And I don't feed very much.
  15. I stir my crushed coral up about once every 2 weeks or so to let the settled detritus get skimmed out. I'd definitely recommend it.
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