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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. It didn't work from school, but it says I'm offline so I think it may have logged off my computer or went to sleep. I'll check settings when I get home.
  2. I used to feed every few day. As long as ur fish get good and full when you feed them, you're good.
  3. Clean filters once a week for me. Media once a month. Feed different foods once a day. I feed coral once every 2 weeks or so. As long as ur systems keeps up with nutrients, keep everyone happy in my opinion.
  4. I experimented with Skype last night. I set it up to only answer automatically people from my "contacts" which is the account on my phone. Worked fine. I'm going to try it while I'm at work today.
  5. Anyone ever set up a live webcam for your tank that you could access while you're away? What programs etc would you need to do this?
  6. I'm looking for a VHO ballast that will run at least 2 4' bulbs. Thanks!
  7. Juiceman


    Yeah that's wierd
  8. Too much flow can be an issue. Also intense lighting. So kind of recent change?
  9. Juiceman


    Raising Mg helps keep pH more consistant from what I understand.
  10. Juiceman


    When I had it, I siphoned as much out as I could each day and was running Carbon, and GFO changing weekly. I raised my pH and made sure it stayed there. I pulled out everything once and scrubbed it good once as well, but that was in the beginning. It all died off in about a month. DIdn't remove any corals nor lose any during this time.
  11. I'd be in for some. Maybe 50-60 worth.
  12. Troy (Troypt) came out with his new PAR meter and did some readings for me! I had to move my frag rack! They weren't getting enough light. It was pretty interesting. This is with the LED's on at 100% and without the VHO's. The VHO's add another 40 or so to all of the PAR values.
  13. I need to pull some GSP off my rock that's growing over itself. Free to the first person who pm's me. I'll gladly take a frag of cool zoa or ricordia mushroom for it of you have some to trade. Well talk about what you got. I can text u a pic if you give me ur number. Pickup tomorrow morning near 183 and 620
  14. My ORP is higher at night than during the day and I don't run a fuge. Is that normal?

    1. JamesL


      While I am not a chemist, pH changes with the lights off, which can effect ORP. A fuge helps to maintain a more constant pH in the tank.

    2. Juiceman


      My ph has a small swing down at night, but my alk doser runs at night to keep it minimal. But I just noticed that the ORP goes up at night. I thought that was the opposite of what it's supposed to do.

    3. JamesL


      Like I said.. I am no chemist .. was just taking a stab :)

  15. That's actually not bad for 150 Gallons. I used to lose a Gallon a day on a 90g with a canopy. Up to you, but I think you're fine if that's the only reason why you want a canopy.
  16. I used red sea cyano rx. Killed it all of in a day, then a water change and let the skimmer take out the rest. Make sure the skimmers turned down when you turn it back on though!
  17. I run my actinics for 10 hours and my whites for 8 hours. I have moonlights that I run a few hours before and after that.
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