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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. I was surprised too. Remember that water clarity is a factor in par readings as well as flow. They're about 6-7" above the water, and its a 2' tall tank. I can't complain!
  2. Video Update Trying some Zeovit Coral Foods, seeing some slight differences but I'm only about 2 weeks in with very light dosing.
  3. My Anemone did the same thing. It had lost all of it's color by the time it came out. Now I have 2 huge colored up anemones!
  4. More available. Free to the first to pm. Will glady take trades!
  5. Juiceman


    +1 RCA and Aquadome has them too.
  6. I've seen ceriths at RCA. But not the dwarfs
  7. In my experience niko, when I was running just ro and no Di, I was having problems with gha and cyano that I had never had prior to purchasing my own system. I have since added a Di unit from brs and all of those problems have disappeared. I find it much easier to have my own unit and not lugging buckets around. Just my 2 cents
  8. I have 2 55gal drums you can borrow and some extra mag pumps. Some frag(s) or monies for rental would be great! pm me if interested.
  9. I have 2 I belive that just came with the ones I purchased. Interested in SPS and Zoas otherwise cash is fine. IDK what their worth.
  10. The Dog got ahold of one of my VHO endcaps! Anyone have a spare?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Juiceman


      Ok, sounds good Ty

    3. Juiceman


      Thanks a lot Ty! Back in business.

    4. FarmerTy


      Awesome. Glad it worked out. Sorry I wasn't there to talk shop.

  11. Question was clarifying what was for sale. 1 Coralvue 400w dimmable Metal Halide Ballast with wiring included. Dimmable from 250w to 430w. 1 grab bag of halide bulbs
  12. I found that once fragged they can recover well. Keep an eye on them.
  13. The other thing that hasn't been addressed is the water from Shane's being higher in nitrates than your water. That was probably a correct test on your part of his Livestock tanks water. Fish only tanks can run with higher nitrates than reef tanks. Either way don't ever put lfs or shipping water into your tank just to be safe.
  14. I think ur worrying about it too much. Give it time , don't add anymore fish, use that start smart, and let ur system catch up with ur bio load. Coral doesn't increase your bio load, fish do.
  15. I love goin by and chatting! Always fun, take what you need like everyone said. If you have an issue with your tank and go to all 4-5 of the local stores, they will all say slightly different things. But then look at the differences between their show tanks. No 1 way to do this hobby we have!
  16. Yeah I don't like API. And yes Shane is definitely a less is more kinda guy. Take the good and the bad. He has a lot of years of experience. He's a lotta live Rock, no live sand kinda guy. But it's from he experiences of their shipment. Live sand is not shipped like livestock, and so it's his opinion that everything is dead by the time you get it anyway. Idk. I've never used live sand so I wouldnt know. Take ur nitrate test and test separate tubes of ur water and I'll bet you get different results. I don't use my API anymore .
  17. I got it to work through Skype. I forgot we upgraded modems today and there was no modem in our network during the day today. Now my issue is my computers built in webcam can't handle the lights. I can see the tank but it's just super bright. I messed with the settings and it made it worse. Guess a better camera is needed.
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