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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Well he's 2 days in after a 7 day isolation. I'm seeing normal territory aggression between the Sailfin, Purple, and Yellow, but it's nothing compared to the pure attacks that I've seen from my purple towards my previous yellows. But he's eating with everyone and if anything, I see Yellow starting some of the aggressive showings. I'll watch him and make sure he's always eating, but I'm not nearly as worried about him as my previous ones. I drilled some additional holes in the bottom and in the lower part of all the sides to aid in water movement inside the container. Isolation take 2!
  2. I used npx pellets that you can get from RCA when I first started them. They clump a lot but did fine. I've since added brs pellets since I bought a large package of them. You don't have to use as much of them compared to the npx. You just add more as they are used.
  3. When the pellets start kicking in, mine started in about a week or two, you'll notice better coloration and less algae on the glass with the removed nutrients. Are you doing any bacteria dosing. If you dose microbacter 7 or any zeobak It will speed up the process of colonization of you bacteria.
  4. I didn't have my pellets plumbed into skimmer when I was originally using the tlf. I had trouble with bacteria blooms. once I plumbed it straight in, there was much more skimate. Definitely be careful how much pellets you use. At least cut the amount suggested by half. Possibly by a 1/3 like Ty said since ur not plumbing into the skimmer. Also don't be afraid to feed your coral once the pellets start kicking in!
  5. Ok, I released the yellow tang last night. He didn't even realize I took the top off and lowered it into the tank. I had to turn it sideways to let him swim into the tank. That way I didn't net him or Anything to get him in the tank. He swam in when he was ready. Once the container was out, it had grown a lot of film algae. I gave it a good rinse and drilled the new holes and started my next acclimation in my other tank. I'll post a pic when I get home of my new juvenile majestic angel that I got from the dome.
  6. Tha exactly what it is. It's a yellow polyp. I have several.
  7. I'll bet the netting that I used for my Bio Pellets would be great! It would be even better if I had a dremel.
  8. Question was clarifying what was for sale. 1 Coralvue 400w dimmable Metal Halide Ballast with wiring included. Dimmable from 250w to 430w. 1 grab bag of halide bulbs
  9. Ok, so in retrospect, the only issue I'm running into is collection of Detrius at the bottom of the container. I'm thinking I'm going to add some more holes on the bottom and lower down the sides to allow flow to the bottom surface of the acclimation chamber. I'm going to isolate him one more day and make sure he's nice and fat before I release him tomorrow.
  10. I used bio pellets in mine. They did good with a maxi 1200. I had gfo and carbon each separate in one with each a maxi 600 and had it all the way up. You may need a stronger pump to run them together.
  11. 1000 ML Zeovit Zeolites $14.95 $10.00 $8.00 .4 L Neo Zeo Zeolites $12.99 - $5.00 $4.00 500 ML ZeoStart3 Nearly full $67.19 $30.00 $25.00 250 ML ZeoStart3 1/4 bottle 39.88 - $5.00 $4.00 All for $40.00 $35.00 Pm If interested Paypal or Cash Near 620 and 183
  12. Well I'm giving it a shot. I went to petsmart and looked and the hampster balls, the 7" was too small, then it jumps up to 13" which is waaaay too big. I decided to get one of the medium critter travel cages. It's 11" x 7" x 6" It has all the slits in the top but I drilled some holes in the sides too for added circulation (be careful when drilling plastic, almost destroyed the whole thing on the first hole!) It floats ok, but I used an extra medium mag float I had to hold it in place. I put a piece of PVC and a rock with some nori rubberbanded to it, and acclimated my new Yellow Tang. My Purple Tang and Sailfin Tang went for him immediately, and normally would have gave him a nice run, but they can't hurt him, and he's not stressing. Food goes through the holes fine to he can eat along with everyone else fine too. So so far so good! I'll wait for me to not see anymore aggression towards him, then let him loose. I'm guessing a few days.
  13. They have an XL model but it's super expensive.
  14. They have some on the market, but like you said Rob, they're small and expensive.
  15. My biggest killer of new fish in my tanks are their tankmates! I've been brainstorming ways of making an acclimation chamber that I can keep the new fish in for about a week while their tank mates get used to them without chasing them and nipping their fins, etc! Anyone have anything that they've used or a similar system where your new fish is isolated but the other fish can see them?
  16. Well I think I found the problem. My ALK dosing line had a clog at the end. So my alk solution hasn't been being pumped for probably about 4 days?! Yikes. Got it back on line this morning. Funny how you start trying to rule out things, but then it ends up being very obvious once you look in the right Place.
  17. I had the bio Pellets on my last 90 g tank and I liked the results. I have since doubled the amount of pellets since its a 200g+ system. And that's been running for about 3 months. I began light dosing of a few Zeovit foods about a month ago and started a full regimine of zeo foods and zeobak about 2 weeks ago just to start being consistent. I have seen better polyp extension and better color out of some sps and some sps dont like the change. I guess the echinata is one of them.
  18. I guess the biggest change recently was going from dosing tlc to dosing zeobak, dropped the nutrients too quick maybe? I'm doing a full dose of zeobak twice a week as reccomended and 1/2 doses of all the foods. But I'm only on my 3rd dose of zeobak.
  19. This is about 3 weeks in to 1/2 doses of Zeovit coral foods. My pellets have been running in a vertex reactor for about 2 weeks, previously in a tlf reactor for about 3 months. I have gfo running in a tlf reactor, carbon in a bag. It was a Hawkins, and it has been in my tank for 2 months doing fine. Within the last week of had began to show blue tips and more polyp extension. Then rtn....
  20. I have been starting a hybrid Zeovit/bio-pellet system on my 200g reef. I did my 1/2 dose of sponge power (water clarity aid) on Thursday night, when I got home from work Friday, the water was super clear and all of the corals looked awesome! Today I got home to find my echinata 1/2 way rtn'd. I've heard that If your water is really clear, it lets more light through. That's what I'm thinking is the culprit to my bleaching/rtning of my echinata. Anyone ever Experienced this before? Any way to make sure it doesn't happen again?
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