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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Really liking the Coral reactions to the Zeofoods. Some examples I thought I'd lost this ORA Pocillapore when I did the move into this tank, it has bounced back nicely! I got the Green Mille at the Frag swap from Elegant Reef, it was brown when I got it! Got this ORA Chips Acro from Hydro! Looking foward to it taking off! I like this new one, Idk what it is though! started with 4 heads, now a year later, has 17! This was totally bleached 4 months ago! Austin Aqua Farms! Gotta Love'em! Got this Plum Crazy from Don! Awesome, Meridiana from Clint right next to it! Got this Pink Poccil from Dapettit, has double since! Started with 2 heads, a year later, has 8! Can't wait for this Blue Mille to grow! I always loved Yellow Leathers!
  2. Well, It worked great for the Yellow Tang in the 200. The Majestic Angel didn't make it in the 90 Gallon system. I believe the reason why is because he spent the majority of his time hiding in the PVC and not out being seen. I then did a Chocolate Tang in the same tank, and had the PVC in for 4 days, and took the PVC out for 4 more days to make sure the other fish could see him. When I let him go, he didn't even get chased when I let him loose! It's time for the real test!! I got my first order from Live Aquaria today, and I'm trying my most wanted fish. I'll post a pic later after he's done drip acclimating!
  3. Juiceman


    I have 2 new figi purples and 1 actinic mile that are new. Let me know ty
  4. I have already sold the reflectors I had. Easy to find others being sold for cheap. This is a great deal on a barely used ballast.
  5. I got mine from Shane at Fishy Business. It was a long time ago, but I'm sure he could order you one.
  6. The ballast needs to be connected to a reflector and you're in business
  7. what lighting do you have?
  8. Have a 55 that has no fish in it. welcome to put fish in. I'm in Cedar Park though (North Austin) 4zero9 7nine5 zero829
  9. I have 3 550's that I use in a acclimation tank. You welcome to trade for one of them. I don't need anything crazy in this tank.
  10. Dude, you can get a razor blade and cut the silicon that's in there and move it over some to make room. You just need to re silicone it
  11. Yeah, sounds like something may be wrong with the plug into the jbj or ur pump. I've had no problems with mine. Make sure the float switch is plugged into the right plug.
  12. I can give you a bucket of water from my tank for sure. Let me know. I'll be home during the day tomorrow. I near 183 and 620. And when I was setting up my tank, Shane gave me 20 gallons of his water from his coral tanks. He would probably to 5 gallons no prob.
  13. Gone for now, will update when I have more!
  14. Well, the Yellow Tang has done very well. He is eating along with everyone else and doesn't get chased anymore. The previous 2 yellow tangs that I added without the acclimation chamber week didn't make it through one day! I think it served it's purpose well! The majestic angel that I did in my other tank didn't fair as well but is still here and eating. I had him in QT for a week, then in the acclimation chamber for a week. He had been eating well and so I let him loose after a week had past. My Koran and my Flame Fin Tang tore him up. He keeps to the top corner of the tank now, but I no longer see them chase him and he's now eating along with everyone else. Makes me wonder what it would have been like had I put him straight in. I think I'll definitly use this system from now on.
  15. Need to trim again! Please come get some
  16. They're under Evolution LED's. I have more available, pm if you want some
  17. The biggest thing is to find out what your outer ip address is. If your wifi address is or similar for example, it's going to be totally different when you try to access it outside of your home network. My outside is like 70.100. something something. That may be Yals issue
  18. You could control vortechs or similar from another room as long as it can detect it. Idk about temp monitoring etc though. It would be a lot of programming to control to two tanks, but it should be doable if they're close to each other.
  19. Juiceman


    Pm for plum colony
  20. Juiceman

    2 Clams.

    Interested in blue pending pics
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