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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. I have about 2 persons worth available. I'll be home tomorrow morning for a little while,(Friday) Then I won't be available for a little bit. Pm me if you want some.
  2. My korelias would reverse they're polarity all the time, I'd have to plug them in and out a few times to get them to correct.
  3. True! My Saltwater gets warm when I mix overnight also, a strong pump with a small water volume.
  4. My mags get warm, but they run constantly. Danner said you're supposed to soak the pump in vinagar every 6 weeks. They have a 3 year warranty I think. Might be 5
  5. Who ended up with that Orange Hammer from Aquatek that was in their little show tank?!

  6. Still looking for the real deal!
  7. 1 of the 4 Whale Sharks and 1 of the 4 Manta Rays.
  8. I had some inquiries about how I fed the Achilles. I have him in my 200g. 7x2x2 I didn't qt separate from my display. I had him in my acllimation chamber for 3 days with a piece of PVC to hide, and 5 days without PVC. I alternate between frozen and pellets everyday. I placed a sheet of nori to a rock in the chamber for him to graze everyday. He ate mysis and nori immediately. He eats the spurlina however you spell it brine well also. He eats a lot of nori and has nibbled at pellets. I will continue to alternate until he eats the pellets like the rest of my fish. I have him with a purple, yellow, hippo, and Sailfin tang and there is little aggression. I think nori is the key. I soak all frozen food in garlic and zoecon as well.
  9. Well my acclimation chamber was a success! I saw little to NO chasing what so ever between my tangs. Lot's of fin flaring but nothing that could hurt any of the tangs. I don't have any other plans for tangs in this tank so I'm happy. I just fed them a few sheets of Nori and they all ate from it normally, and did some Sprinula Brine and they all gobbled it up without harassing anyone! I would recommend it to anyone!
  10. Well it was a success! I saw little to NO chasing what so ever between my tangs. Lot's of fin flaring but nothing that could hurt any of the tangs. I don't have any other plans for tangs in this tank so I'm happy. I just fed them a few sheets of Nori and they all ate from it normally, and did some Sprinula Brine and they all gobbled it up without harassing anyone! I would recommend it to anyone!
  11. Uploaded pics from Georgia Aquarium in my Gallery. Not the best photographer but check them out!

    1. Niko's Reef

      Niko's Reef

      Rory, I just visited the aquarium on Wed. It was amazing.

    2. Nwehrman


      I was there last month, really amazing place.

  12. I released him today. No chasing at all, lot's of flaring, but if anything, my other tangs are scared of him. Will update as we go
  13. I have no link to select the folder as the destination for the photo.
  14. Juiceman

    Above Voyager

    From the album: Georgia Aquarium

  15. Juiceman

    Reef Tank

    From the album: Georgia Aquarium

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