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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Ok, I have consolidated my tanks down to my 200g 7x2x2 Reef just before the move. Had a 90, 75, Biocube, QT since my inception into this hobby. So Currently there's 240lbs of Live Rock 50lbs of Marco Rock 40lbs of Crushed Coral Numerous Corals, SPS, LPS, Softies, 2 Duresa Clams 4 Cleaner Shrimp 1 Fire Shrimp, 1 Coral Banded Shrimp 100s of Snails and Crabs Hippo Tang Purple Tang Sailfin Tang Yellow Tang Porcupine Puffer Koran Angel 1 Male Lyretail Anthias, 1 Female Lyretail Anthias 1 Male Bartlett Anthias, 3 Female Bartlett Anthias 1 Lawnmower Blenny 4 Clown Fish, 3 Ocillaris Orange, 1 Black Ocillaris, and 1 other one, IDK what it is. My GF bought him. 1 Spotted Mandarin Hardware: 3 Vortech MP40's with Battery Backup, 3 Evolution LED's, 2 6' VHO's ASM G4+ Skimmer Vertex BioPellet Reactor TLF Reactor for GFO Full Apex System Dosing System Controlled By Apex ATO from ATO.com ETC,ETC How the ?(*&@%^$><@ am I going to do this?! "HOW AM I GONNA MOVE MY TANK!" I hired Mason "The Fish Whisperer" who specializes in tank moves. He works with a local moving company called "Life Way Moving" to move large tanks. He a one other employee handled all of the Livestock and Water aspect of the tank. Life Way Moving Co. handled the tank and moving aspect of the move. Mason was very professional about his work and made sure to take all care he could for my Corals and fish. No mover could touch any buckets that had fish or coral in them, only him and his associate. The movers "for my regular furniture" showed up promptly at 8:15 to get the layout and get working on clearing the living room so that Mason could have free room to work on the tank. Mason Showed up shortly after and took a peek at the job ahead and began to bring up his supplies and equipment. First Job Unplug all of the lighting and fans, so the Canopy could be removed. They began to drain water from the system into the buckets that will hold the Corals from my system He tried his best to situate the corals so that nothing would be injured. The first of the many 5 gallon jugs of tank water Continued Coral removal into bins and buckets, all of the regular Live Rock without Coral was being left until last since it doesn't need nearly as much care. The 5g Jug pile continues to get larger More Coral Geesh! Starting to pull the Live Rock Time to Catch Fish! Live Rock Bin Coral Bins, the whole time this was being done, a Air Stone and Pump was being rotated around the various buckets and bins Last bit of water out Hardware disconnect beginning I planned ahead and didn't glue the overflow pipes on the connections to the tank, and connections to the sump! NOW WHAT?! FYI the Tanks weighs about 500-600lbs unfilled!! The Stand weighs about the same!
  2. Moving the 200 to Manor today!! Will post a thread of the move!

    1. wizardx322


      Good luck lmk if you need me to babysit some coral

    2. ckyuv


      good luck man!

  3. Softies usually like less flow in my tank.
  4. I got the 55 used. It was not used as a display so I'm not sure if there are any scratches that are bad. Looked clear when I was qt'ing fish. Would be good for a sump or qt which is what I used it for.
  5. I'm moving and don't need this extra setup that I used to hold fish and coral. It's a used standard 55g tank 4 x 1 - $30 $20 2 Koralia 550's - 20$ ea SOLD CPR Hang on the Back Bak-Pak Skimmer. - $50 1 4' Coralife T5 fixture 2 bulb. Currently 2 actinic bulbs with 2 extra fiji purple bulbs new. - $40 SOLD 1 4' single bulb t8 fixture - $10 (Was used on a FOWLR setup I bought. SOLD Offers and Trades for Coral will be entertained. Pm me so I can keep track of first come first serve. Note: the Skimmer in the pic is NOT the CPR skimmer.
  6. Got me some Hanna checkers! Phosphate is 0 officially! Calcium is 600! yikes! CA Doser OFF

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. wizardx322


      hey the calcium one is easy to mess up i would run it again. you have to follow the directions to the t. doubt your ca is at 600 when mine reads that i redo it and get a more accurate answer

    3. ckyuv


      i tested my calcium yesterday and got 600, i re did it and got 420. I think at 600 it would snow calcium wouldnt it lol?

    4. Juiceman


      Tested it 2 more times, still says 600! Idk

  7. I have my Meteor Shower up high in my tank also, at it has done very well
  8. I can take it for a few days and let my tangs tear it up! lol. I had a bunch in my 90 gallon before I sold most of it. I put one rock in my 200 that had my RBTA from the 90 and they went to town on it! The Algae that is!
  9. Well I don't really do water changes so my maintenance is filling my top off container once a week and feeding the fish.
  10. I'm moving to Shadowglen in 2 weeks. Moving a 200g reef is going to be............. Fun!?
  11. For sure. All about fish was a neatly set up store. Lots of corals! He has an awesome anemone in his display tank. I'm guessing it's a magnificent sea anemone?! Not much for fish but I wasn't looking for fish then either so idk. This was also on Christmas eve!
  12. I lived in the Houston area for my childhood and college years. My car was broken into once on campus in college. That was it. I have made a few trips down to Fish Gallery, Aquarium World, All About Fish, and a few others. I'd bring my cooler and put whatever i'd purchased in my car and never had any issues. Just make sure to lock your car. Most of the stores are in decent areas that you shouldn't have any trouble in. I went to one store off of Mangum and it was kinda in the ghetto. Definitly didn't stay there long! LOL
  13. Is it drilled or are you going to have hang on overflows?
  14. Stringy mucus is Dinoflaggelettes. Siphon them out for sure!
  15. I have my 3rd MP40. I have my ends at 60% and the center one at 25%, my center corals are much happier!
  16. Yep, definitely kills. It's a toxin
  17. Would be interested in the prostrata and tenius if you part out! Good luck with sale!
  18. RIP Achilles.... :(

    1. wizardx322


      Sorry to hear that what happened?

    2. Juiceman


      He did really good always eating frozen and nori. He stressed out when I added the fish from shutting down my 90. He stopped eating. Never wild eat the pellets. I still think that's the key.

  19. Full Setup pending pick-up
  20. Updated, remaining live rock and rock with corals available
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