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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. Updated, 8 head Candy Cane Left
  2. Ok, electrician said that there were some loose wires behind the living room breaker that were touching it and we're causing it to flip. He replaced the breaker and made sure the wires weren't loose anymore. My vortech battery backup got a good test run out of all this!
  3. So the flipping had nothing to do with the amount of power being pulled by the tank.
  4. Ok, After some trial and error, I figured out that the adjacent Breaker is causing the flip. I have a motion sensor on a light upstairs. Whenever this sensor is tripped to turn on the light, the breaker downstairs (adjacent to the bathroom breaker for upstairs) flips! They said that that shouldn't be happening, that the breaker is weak and they're going to replace the breaker.
  5. Flipped again today even though I have only my lights and mo40s plugged in. That's only 6 amps!? I called my builder and they said they're gonna come out and replace the breaker
  6. The chiller is on a separate breaker. The tank breaker is flipping. The problem I think is that the entire living room is on the same breaker, lights, fan, tv, ps3 etc.
  7. I have flipped it in my apartment before the move but that was 15 gauge. I just split the equipment between 2 breakers and didn't have anymore trouble. At the new house it's a 20 amp and there's not another plug near it that's a different breaker.
  8. I am flipping the breaker every 30mins or so. I plugged in my chiller and its pump into another breaker area with an extension cord and it went for about 2 hours and then flipped again. Is it that I have too many things running or could I have something shorting in my pumps etc?
  9. I had a few frags created from my recent tank move. 1 Green Seritopora Frag approx. 1" branching - 5$ SOLD 2 Green Hydrophora (Horn Coral) 1" branching - 5$ ea. BOTH SOLD 1 ORA Pink and Green Poccilopore mini Colony 3-4" multi branching - $25 - SOLD 2 Candy Cane frags, one with 4 heads $10 SOLD, one with 8 heads - $20 $15 Pic has colony of Seritopora in center, frag is to the left of it Hydrophora frags are on the right, hard to see Pocillipore is in the back row. this is the colony pic of the hydrophora
  10. Expect the color to change, but I like it already!
  11. Everything is clear and looks good! I lost one Cali tort frag, but that's it. My fish took some nips at each other while in the move, but everyone's eating and looking good. So with the execption of a few frags that happened during the move, we're good!
  12. Lots of gsp that I pruned while moving, free to anyone who wants it, pickup in Shadowglen in manor
  13. I have a clone of my RBTA that split off about a week ago that let go of its rock during my tank move. Pickup is in Shadowglen in Manor
  14. This is the new home of my 200g Tank! Guys begin to bring in the water and livestock to get it in the A/C And away we GO! Now to start putting the Live Rocks and Water Back in. We tossed about 20g of water at the Apartment trying to siphon out as much detrius as we could! might as well try a new aquascape! Threw in a nice dose of TLC Bacteria Now we begin to put in the fish and Coral Added a dose of ZEOBak Last of the water goes in, and about 35g of new water go in! Flip on the returns and let this this start getting skimmed! Hood Goes On! Just ran the VHO's to let the corals get settled and not over do it! Alot of them are in different places now so I don't want to run my LED's just yet, I'll go through an acclimation light cycle all over again just like when I first got them! When it was all said and done, afew SPS corals came un puttied from thier live rock, a few were "fragged by mistake" (Be looking for some frags for sale! LOL) but everything had polyp extension immediately, and fish ate well once the water cleared up. I think I'm going to not glue frags directly to large live rock anymore, rather glue them to small rubble and place the rubble where I want the coral to be. This way, if a coral doesn't like where it is, you can move it. I'm running my LED's at 50% for a week or so and will begin ramping them back up. I added another dose of ZEObak for so security I'm glad I chose to use Mason and Life Way. The boss was here helping with the move of the tank and furniture! I will post pics of the new scape and what not once everything settles down. Thanks again guys!
  15. Let the physical movement begin. Now I'm on the second floor so these guys have to carry this heavy (#& tank out the door, down an 18 step staircase and into the truck! YIKES! Sizing it up! And we're OFF! Out the Door Down the Hallway And now the stairs?! WHOOHOO!! The Stand is just as much of a chore! Very Solid! Now to bring the Live Rock, Corals, Fish and Water down for the drive! And now we make the 30ish minute drive to their new home!
  16. Mine has flourished where there is low light. Does your temperature change a lot throughout the day?
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