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Everything posted by Juiceman

  1. I have a forest fire digi that's been through 2 tank moves and fallen inside my rock work for a week, you welcome to give it a shot. It has always bounced back nicely. It may be the hardy piece you need. It's fully encrusted over a large plug. I can take a pic later once lights are on. Lmk
  2. i have an extra 1200 and and extra 500
  3. I have extra Maxi jets. I'll let you get one for 5-10$ or a small frag. LMK
  4. I had a purple, yellow, hippo, and Sailfin in a 90 and they did fine as long as you weren't constantly stressing them out. I also did a mimic lemon peel tang that got along great too. All have been very hardy.
  5. I have regular clippers with a grip from Wal-Mart. Used for Nails
  6. Just Dip. And carefully inspect any incoming corals. I think I know which store you're talking about.
  7. How intense do you set your MP40's to go?

    1. Juiceman


      3 on 200g 7' tank, max 60% on the sides, 25% in the center.

    2. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      1 on a 75, runs at about 40% i'd guess

  8. Ok, so in my apartment, I had carpet and a window drape behind the tank. It never seemed loud to me. Now in my new house, It's sitting on a tile floor with a regular wall behind it. The sounds from water falling has been magnified alot by this. I'm trying to minimize this as well as make more room above my sump.
  9. just above the sump, my bad. A student was asking me a question and I didn't re read what I'd wrote.
  10. I more just trying to remove the pipes just above the sump so I can have that extra room. I had flexible pipe on my old tank it was much easier
  11. I want to remove my current Hard Plumbed set-up and add flexible PVC instead. What do I need to do this? I equate the easiest way to do it is to have 90's going from the overflows to the flexible PVC then to 45's on the Sump. Is there anything I can do at the unions to make it to where it's easily removable, rather than glueing them and having to redo everything later if I change the sump, or etc.
  12. A nano won't differ much in salinity with that small of a water volume anyway. I only check salinity when I do a water change. Otherwise, I just top off with ro and call it a day. Also on the refractometer kick. My hydrometer is off by .001 ppm. Tested at my lfs against a refractometer.
  13. The issue with any ULNS is making sure to not starve your coral. As long as you feed your fish daily, you'll be fine. I've never had an issue. But if you have a High Nutrient System and bring them down too fast, it can definitly be bad. Any sudden change is bad.
  14. Those are Aqua Illuminations fixtures over that tank. FYI. LED's are the new craze, definitly something to look into. I personally have only kept ASM skimmers, I've had Euro-Reef and Bak-Pak and found the ASM to be superior to both.
  15. Shane at FIshy Business of Burnet has done both my sumps
  16. Shane was always a good help and understanding. Glad he's helping you out with everything!
  17. http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1946061 I remember seeing this a while back!
  18. Kill them!!!!!! They will smother anything near them.
  19. It was smaller, but the Achilles also never ate my Thera A+ Pellets, which I've always found to be the key to keeping any fish that wasn't doing good alive. He ate them when I had him isolated, but once in the tank, he never ate them again. Once things are stable, I may try again, I'm not sure.
  20. The Achilles is in porcelain heaven. He stopped eating. He stressed out when I added the livestock from shutting down my 90 gallon tank and shut down on me. I may try another one when I'm stable and not going to make any major changes to my tank. He did great until I added those fish into the system. It was a Koran, porcupine puffer, black clown, and mimic lemon peel tang.
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